Gary Troia
Phonological awareness intervention research: A critical review of the experimental methodology
GA Troia
Reading Research Quarterly 34 (1), 28-52, 1999
Relationships between writing motivation, writing activity, and writing performance: Effects of grade, sex, and ability
GA Troia, AG Harbaugh, RK Shankland, KA Wolbers, AM Lawrence
Reading and Writing 26, 17-44, 2013
The effectiveness of a highly explicit, teacher-directed strategy instruction routine: Changing the writing performance of students with learning disabilities
GA Troia, S Graham
Journal of learning disabilities 35 (4), 290-305, 2002
Writing instruction for students with learning disabilities
GA Troia
Handbook of writing research 23 (2), 324-336, 2006
Motivation research in writing: Theoretical and empirical considerations
GA Troia, RK Shankland, KA Wolbers
Reading & writing quarterly 28 (1), 5-28, 2012
Writing and self-regulation: Cases from the self-regulated strategy development model.
S Graham, KR Harris, GA Troia
Guilford Publications, 1998
THE CONSULTANT'S CORNER:" Effective Writing Instruction Across the Grades: What Every Educational Consultant Should Know"
GA Troia, S Graham
Journal of Educational and Psychological consultation 14 (1), 75-89, 2003
The Common Core State Standards and evidence-based educational practices: The case of writing
GA Troia, NG Olinghouse
School Psychology Review 42 (3), 343-357, 2013
Teaching students with learning disabilities to mindfully plan when writing
GA Troia, S Graham, KR Harris
Exceptional children 65 (2), 235-252, 1999
Common core writing and language standards and aligned state assessments: A national survey of teacher beliefs and attitudes
GA Troia, S Graham
Reading and Writing 29, 1719-1743, 2016
Development of writing knowledge in grades 2–8: A comparison of typically developing writers and their struggling peers
SJ Cindy Lin, BW Monroe, GA Troia
Reading & Writing Quarterly 23 (3), 207-230, 2007
Phonological processing and its influence on literacy learning
GA Troia
Handbook of language and literacy: Development and disorders 271, 301, 2004
A year in the writing workshop: Linking writing instruction practices and teachers’ epistemologies and beliefs about writing instruction
GA Troia, SC Lin, S Cohen, BW Monroe
The Elementary School Journal 112 (1), 155-182, 2011
Self-regulated strategy development revisited: Teaching writing strategies to struggling writers
S Graham, KR Harris, GA Troia
Topics in Language Disorders 20 (4), 1-14, 2000
Writing instruction in middle schools: Special and general education teachers share their views and voice their concerns
GA Troia, ME Maddox
Students who are exceptional and writing disabilities, 19-37, 2017
Evidence-based practices for writing instruction (Document No. IC-5)
G Troia
Retrieved from University of Florida, Collaboration for Effective Educator …, 2014
Teaching writing strategies to middle school students with disabilities
BW Monroe, GA Troia
The Journal of Educational Research 100 (1), 21-33, 2006
Instruction and assessment for struggling writers: Evidence-based practices
GA Troia
Guilford Press, 2011
The neglected “R” in a time of Common Core
Y Mo, RA Kopke, LK Hawkins, GA Troia, NG Olinghouse
The Reading Teacher 67 (6), 445-453, 2014
A close look at the efficacy of Fast ForWord Language for children with academic weaknesses
GA Troia, SD Whitney
Contemporary Educational Psychology 28 (4), 465-494, 2003
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