Dr. Tulasichandra Sekhar Gorripotu;                         Dr. G. T. Chandra Sekhar
Dr. Tulasichandra Sekhar Gorripotu; Dr. G. T. Chandra Sekhar
Sri Sivani College of Engineering, Srikakulam
確認したメール アドレス: srisivani.com - ホームページ
A novel hybrid PSO-PS optimized fuzzy PI controller for AGC in multi area interconnected power systems
RK Sahu, S Panda, GTC Sekhar
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 64, 880-893, 2015
Design and analysis of tilt integral derivative controller with filter for load frequency control of multi-area interconnected power systems
RK Sahu, S Panda, A Biswal, GTC Sekhar
ISA transactions 61, 251–264, 2016
Load frequency control of power system under deregulated environment using optimal firefly algorithm
GTC Sekhar, RK Sahu, AK Baliarsingh, S Panda
Electrical Power and Energy Systems 74, 195-211, 2016
Automatic generation control of multi-area power systems with diverse energy sources using teaching learning based optimization algorithm
RK Sahu, TS Gorripotu, S Panda
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 19 (1), 113-134, 2016
AGC of a multi-area power system under deregulated environment using redox flow batteries and interline power flow controller
TS Gorripotu, RK Sahu, S Panda
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 18 (4), 555-578, 2015
A hybrid DE–PS algorithm for load frequency control under deregulated power system with UPFC and RFB
RK Sahu, TS Gorripotu, S Panda
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 6 (3), 893-911, 2015
DE optimized fuzzy PID controller with derivative filter for LFC of multi source power system in deregulated environment
RK Sahu, GTC Sekhar, S Panda
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 6 (2), 511-530, 2015
Automatic generation control of power system in deregulated environment using hybrid TLBO and pattern search technique
D Khamari, RK Sahu, TS Gorripotu, S Panda
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 11 (3), 553-573, 2020
TLBO algorithm optimized fractional-order PID controller for AGC of interconnected power system
TS Gorripotu, H Samalla, C Jagan Mohana Rao, AT Azar, D Pelusi
Soft Computing in Data Analytics: Proceedings of International Conference on …, 2019
A novel modified differential evolution algorithm optimized fuzzy proportional integral derivative controller for load frequency control with thyristor controlled series …
DK Sahoo, RK Sahu, GTC Sekhar, S Panda
Journal of electrical systems and information technology 5 (3), 944-963, 2018
Impact of flexible AC transmission system devices on automatic generation control with a metaheuristic based fuzzy PID controller
R Pilla, AT Azar, TS Gorripotu
Energies 12 (21), 4193, 2019
Design and analysis of BFOA optimised PID controller with derivative filter for frequency regulation in distributed generation system
TS Gorripotu, DV Kumar, MK Boddepalli, R Pilla
International Journal of Automation and Control 12 (2), 291-323, 2018
Differential evolution algorithm tuned tilt integral derivative controller with filter controller for automatic generation control
RK Sahu, GTC Sekhar, S Priyadarshani
Evolutionary Intelligence 14 (1), 5-20, 2021
Fuzzy PID controller for automatic generation control of interconnected power system tuned by glow-worm swarm optimization
R Pilla, N Botcha, TS Gorripotu, AT Azar
Applications of Robotics in Industry Using Advanced Mechanisms: Proceedings …, 2020
Comparative performance analysis of classical controllers in LFC using FA technique
TS Gorripotu, RK Sahu, S Panda
Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (EESCO …, 2015
Tuning of extended Kalman filter using grey wolf optimisation for speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor drive
R Pilla, TS Gorripotu, AT Azar
International Journal of Automation and Control 15 (4-5), 563-584, 2021
Application of firefly algorithm for AGC under deregulated power system
TS Gorripotu, RK Sahu, S Panda
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining-Volume 1: Proceedings of the …, 2014
Sine cosine optimization based proportional derivative-proportional integral derivative controller for frequency control of hybrid power system
TS Gorripotu, P Ramana, RK Sahu, S Panda
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining: Proceedings of the International …, 2020
Design of a fuzzy logic controller for short-term load forecasting with randomly varying load
DVN Ananth, LVS Kumar, TS Gorripotu, AT Azar
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD …, 2021
Design and analysis of search group algorithm-based PD-PID controller plus redox flow battery for automatic generation control problem
R Pilla, TS Gorripotu, AT Azar
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 66 (1), 19-35, 2021
論文 1–20