Zhitao Guan
Privacy-preserving and efficient aggregation based on blockchain for power grid communications in smart communities
Z Guan, G Si, X Zhang, L Wu, N Guizani, X Du, Y Ma
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (7), 82-88, 2018
Achieving efficient and secure data acquisition for cloud-supported internet of things in smart grid
Z Guan, J Li, L Wu, Y Zhang, J Wu, X Du
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 4 (6), 1934-1944, 2017
When energy trading meets blockchain in electrical power system: The state of the art
N Wang, X Zhou, X Lu, Z Guan, L Wu, X Du, M Guizani
Applied sciences 9 (8), 1561, 2019
APPA: An anonymous and privacy preserving data aggregation scheme for fog-enhanced IoT
Z Guan, Y Zhang, L Wu, J Wu, J Li, Y Ma, J Hu
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 125, 82-92, 2019
Big data analysis-based secure cluster management for optimized control plane in software-defined networks
J Wu, M Dong, K Ota, J Li, Z Guan
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 15 (1), 27-38, 2018
FCSS: Fog-computing-based content-aware filtering for security services in information-centric social networks
J Wu, M Dong, K Ota, J Li, Z Guan
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in computing 7 (4), 553-564, 2017
EFFECT: An efficient flexible privacy-preserving data aggregation scheme with authentication in smart grid
Z Guan, Y Zhang, L Zhu, L Wu, S Yu
Science China Information Sciences 62, 1-14, 2019
Achieving efficient detection against false data injection attacks in smart grid
R Xu, R Wang, Z Guan, L Wu, J Wu, X Du
IEEE Access 5, 13787-13798, 2017
Achieving efficient and Privacy-preserving energy trading based on blockchain and ABE in smart grid
Z Guan, X Lu, W Yang, L Wu, N Wang, Z Zhang
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 147, 34-45, 2021
Towards secure and efficient energy trading in IIoT-enabled energy internet: A blockchain approach
Z Guan, X Lu, N Wang, J Wu, X Du, M Guizani
Future Generation Computer Systems 110, 686-695, 2020
Achieving data utility-privacy tradeoff in Internet of medical things: A machine learning approach
Z Guan, Z Lv, X Du, L Wu, M Guizani
Future Generation Computer Systems 98, 60-68, 2019
Cross-lingual multi-keyword rank search with semantic extension over encrypted data
Z Guan, X Liu, L Wu, J Wu, R Xu, J Zhang, Y Li
Information Sciences 514, 523-540, 2020
A blockchain based privacy-preserving federated learning scheme for Internet of Vehicles
N Wang, W Yang, X Wang, L Wu, Z Guan, X Du, M Guizani
Digital Communications and Networks 10 (1), 126-134, 2024
Secure data access control with fair accountability in smart grid data sharing: An edge blockchain approach
W Yang, Z Guan, L Wu, X Du, M Guizani
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (10), 8632-8643, 2020
An optimizing and differentially private clustering algorithm for mixed data in SDN-based smart grid
Z Lv, L Wang, Z Guan, J Wu, X Du, H Zhao, M Guizani
IEEE access 7, 45773-45782, 2019
A practical cross-device federated learning framework over 5G networks
W Yang, N Wang, Z Guan, L Wu, X Du, M Guizani
IEEE Wireless Communications 29 (6), 128-134, 2022
A blockchain-based dual-side privacy-preserving multiparty computation scheme for edge-enabled smart grid
Z Guan, X Zhou, P Liu, L Wu, W Yang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (16), 14287-14299, 2021
Blockchain-based distributed energy trading in energy Internet: An SDN approach
X Lu, L Shi, Z Chen, X Fan, Z Guan, X Du, M Guizani
IEEE access 7, 173817-173826, 2019
Achieving differential privacy against non‐intrusive load monitoring in smart grid: A fog computing approach
H Cao, S Liu, L Wu, Z Guan, X Du
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 31 (22), e4528, 2019
Fog computing-enabled secure demand response for internet of energy against collusion attacks using consensus and ACE
G Li, J Wu, J Li, Z Guan, L Guo
IEEE Access 6, 11278-11288, 2018
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