Tom Novacheck
Tom Novacheck
Associate Professor, University of Minnesota
確認したメール アドレス: umn.edu
The biomechanics of running
TF Novacheck
Gait & posture 7 (1), 77-95, 1998
The identification and treatment of gait problems in cerebral palsy
JR Gage, MH Schwartz, SE Koop, TF Novacheck
John Wiley & Sons, 2009
Reliability and validity of the Gillette Functional Assessment Questionnaire as an outcome measure in children with walking disabilities
TF Novacheck, JL Stout, R Tervo
Journal of pediatric orthopaedics 20 (1), 75, 2000
An update on the treatment of gait problems in cerebral palsy
JR Gage, TF Novacheck
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B 10 (4), 265-274, 2001
Distal femoral extension osteotomy and patellar tendon advancement to treat persistent crouch gait in cerebral palsy
JL Stout, JR Gage, MH Schwartz, TF Novacheck
JBJS 90 (11), 2470-2484, 2008
Comprehensive treatment of ambulatory children with cerebral palsy: an outcome assessment
MH Schwartz, E Viehweger, J Stout, TF Novacheck, JR Gage
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 24 (1), 45-53, 2004
Distal femoral extension osteotomy and patellar tendon advancement to treat persistent crouch gait in cerebral palsy: surgical technique
TF Novacheck, JL Stout, JR Gage, MH Schwartz
JBJS 91 (Supplement_2), 271-286, 2009
Orthopedic management of spasticity in cerebral palsy
TF Novacheck, JR Gage
Child's Nervous System 23, 1015-1031, 2007
The in vivo three-dimensional motion of the human lumbar spine during gait
A Rozumalski, MH Schwartz, R Wervey, A Swanson, DC Dykes, ...
Gait & posture 28 (3), 378-384, 2008
The efficacy of ankle-foot orthoses on improving the gait of children with diplegic cerebral palsy: a multiple outcome analysis
AJ Ries, TF Novacheck, MH Schwartz
PM&R 7 (9), 922-929, 2015
Measurement accuracy in congenital scoliosis
FAM Facanha-Filho, RB Winter, JE Lonstein, S Koop, T Novacheck, ...
JBJS 83 (1), 42, 2001
Instructional Course Lectures, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons-Running Injuries: A Biomechanical Approach
TF Novacheck
JBJS 80 (8), 1220-33, 1998
Intramuscular psoas lengthening improves dynamic hip function in children with cerebral palsy
TF Novacheck, JP Trost, MH Schwartz
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 22 (2), 158-164, 2002
Comprehensive short‐term outcome assessment of selective dorsal rhizotomy
JP Trost, MH Schwartz, LE Krach, ME Dunn, TF Novacheck
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 50 (10), 765-771, 2008
Femoral derotational osteotomy: surgical indications and outcomes in children with cerebral palsy
MH Schwartz, A Rozumalski, TF Novacheck
Gait & posture 39 (2), 778-783, 2014
Parental report of pain and associated limitations in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy
RC Tervo, F Symons, J Stout, T Novacheck
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 87 (7), 928-934, 2006
Correlation between physical functioning and gait measures in children with cerebral palsy
RC Tervo, S Azuma, J Stout, T Novacheck
Developmental medicine and child neurology 44 (3), 185-190, 2002
Walking, running, and sprinting: a three-dimensional analysis of kinematics and kinetics.
TF Novacheck
Instructional course lectures 44, 497-506, 1995
Long‐term outcomes after selective dorsal rhizotomy: a retrospective matched cohort study
ME Munger, N Aldahondo, LE Krach, TF Novacheck, MH Schwartz
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 59 (11), 1196-1203, 2017
Examination of the child with cerebral palsy
TF Novacheck, JP Trost, S Sohrweide
Orthopedic Clinics 41 (4), 469-488, 2010
論文 1–20