T. Ramayah
T. Ramayah
その他の名前Ramayah Thurasamy, Thurasamy, R.
Professor of Technology Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia and Sunway University
確認したメール アドレス: usm.my - ホームページ
Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using smartPLS 3.0
T Ramayah, J Cheah, F Chuah, H Ting, MA Memon
An updated guide and practical guide to statistical analysis 1 (1), 1-72, 2018
Testing and controlling for common method variance: A review of available methods
S Tehseen, T Ramayah, S Sajilan
Journal of management sciences 4 (2), 142-168, 2017
Sample size for survey research: Review and recommendations
MA Memon, H Ting, JH Cheah, R Thurasamy, F Chuah, TH Cham
Journal of applied structural equation modeling 4 (2), i-xx, 2020
Green supply chain initiatives among certified companies in Malaysia and environmental sustainability: Investigating the outcomes
TK Eltayeb, S Zailani, T Ramayah
Resources, conservation and recycling 55 (5), 495-506, 2011
Green product purchase intention: Some insights from a developing country
T Ramayah, JWC Lee, O Mohamad
Resources, conservation and recycling 54 (12), 1419-1427, 2010
The impact of service quality on customer loyalty: A study of banks in Penang, Malaysia
LL Kheng, O Mahamad, T Ramayah
International journal of marketing studies 2 (2), 57, 2010
Service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty: A test of mediation
O Mahamad, T Ramayah
International business research 3 (4), 72, 2010
Pathways towards sustainability in manufacturing organizations: Empirical evidence on the role of green human resource management
JY Yong, MY Yusliza, T Ramayah, CJ Chiappetta Jabbour, S Sehnem, ...
Business Strategy and the Environment 29 (1), 212-228, 2020
Factors influencing intention to use e-government services among citizens in Malaysia
OK Lean, S Zailani, T Ramayah, Y Fernando
International journal of information management 29 (6), 458-475, 2009
Wearable technologies: The role of usefulness and visibility in smartwatch adoption
SHW Chuah, PA Rauschnabel, N Krey, B Nguyen, T Ramayah, S Lade
Computers in Human Behavior 65, 276-284, 2016
Green Human Resource Management for organisational citizenship behaviour towards the environment and environmental performance on a university campus
N Anwar, NHN Mahmood, MY Yusliza, T Ramayah, JN Faezah, W Khalid
Journal of cleaner production 256, 120401, 2020
Senior managers’ perception on green information systems (IS) adoption and environmental performance: Results from a field survey
R Gholami, AB Sulaiman, T Ramayah, A Molla
Information & management 50 (7), 431-438, 2013
The effects of service quality, perceived value and trust in home delivery service personnel on customer satisfaction: Evidence from a developing country
MUH Uzir, H Al Halbusi, R Thurasamy, RLT Hock, MA Aljaberi, N Hasan, ...
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 63, 102721, 2021
The impact of sustainable manufacturing practices on sustainability performance: Empirical evidence from Malaysia
SH Abdul-Rashid, N Sakundarini, RA Raja Ghazilla, R Thurasamy
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 37 (2), 182-204, 2017
Nexus between green intellectual capital and green human resource management
JY Yong, MY Yusliza, T Ramayah, O Fawehinmi
Journal of cleaner production 215, 364-374, 2019
Convergent validity assessment of formatively measured constructs in PLS-SEM: On using single-item versus multi-item measures in redundancy analyses
JH Cheah, M Sarstedt, CM Ringle, T Ramayah, H Ting
International journal of contemporary hospitality management 30 (11), 3192-3210, 2018
Urban vs. rural destinations: Residents’ perceptions, community participation and support for tourism development
SM Rasoolimanesh, CM Ringle, M Jaafar, T Ramayah
Tourism management 60, 147-158, 2017
Sustaining the environment through recycling: An empirical study
T Ramayah, JWC Lee, S Lim
Journal of environmental management 102, 141-147, 2012
Applicability of theory of planned behavior in predicting intention to trade online: Some evidence from a developing country
M Gopi, T Ramayah
International Journal of Emerging Markets 2 (4), 348-360, 2007
Developing a general extended UTAUT model for M-payment adoption
K Al-Saedi, M Al-Emran, T Ramayah, E Abusham
Technology in society 62, 101293, 2020
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