Sara Ferreira
Sara Ferreira
Professor, Faculdade de Engenharia Universidade Porto
確認したメール アドレス: fe.up.pt
Machine learning applied to road safety modeling: A systematic literature review
PB Silva, M Andrade, S Ferreira
Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (English edition) 7 (6 …, 2020
An analysis of the injury severity of motorcycle crashes in Brazil using mixed ordered response models
FJC Cunto, S Ferreira
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 9 (sup1), 33-46, 2017
Driving simulators to evaluate road geometric design effects on driver behaviour: A systematic review
MP Bobermin, MM Silva, S Ferreira
Accident Analysis & Prevention 150, 105923, 2021
Analyzing driver drowsiness: From causes to effects
S Soares, T Monteiro, A Lobo, A Couto, L Cunha, S Ferreira
Sustainability 12 (5), 1971, 2020
Driving simulator experiments to study drowsiness: A systematic review
S Soares, S Ferreira, A Couto
Traffic injury prevention 21 (1), 29-37, 2020
Takeover performance evaluation using driving simulation: a systematic review and meta-analysis
S Soares, A Lobo, S Ferreira, L Cunha, A Couto
European transport research review 13, 1-18, 2021
Pedestrian–vehicle interaction at unsignalized crosswalks: a systematic review
H Amado, S Ferreira, JP Tavares, P Ribeiro, E Freitas
Sustainability 12 (7), 2805, 2020
A note on modeling road accident frequency: A flexible elasticity model
A Couto, S Ferreira
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (6), 2104-2111, 2011
An integrated approach for strategic and tactical decisions for the emergency medical service: Exploring optimization and metamodel-based simulation for vehicle location
M Amorim, F Antunes, S Ferreira, A Couto
Computers & Industrial Engineering 137, 106057, 2019
Risk factors affecting injury severity determined by the MAIS score
S Ferreira, M Amorim, A Couto
Traffic injury prevention 18 (5), 515-520, 2017
Road safety and the urban emergency medical service (uEMS): Strategy station location
M Amorim, S Ferreira, A Couto
Journal of Transport & Health 6, 60-72, 2017
Using real-life alert-based data to analyse drowsiness and distraction of commercial drivers
S Ferreira, Z Kokkinogenis, A Couto
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 60, 25-36, 2019
Emergency medical service response: Analyzing vehicle dispatching rules
M Amorim, S Ferreira, A Couto
Transportation research record 2672 (32), 10-21, 2018
Reporting road victims: assessing and correcting data issues through distinct injury scales
A Couto, M Amorim, S Ferreira
Journal of safety research 57, 39-45, 2016
Traffic flow-accidents relationship for urban intersections on the basis of the translog function
S Ferreira, A Couto
Safety science 60, 115-122, 2013
Assessing the transferability of the highway safety manual predictive method for urban roads in Fortaleza City, Brazil
F Cunto, L Sobreira, S Ferreira
Journal of transportation engineering 141 (1), 04014072, 2015
Drowsiness and distraction while driving: A study based on smartphone app data
S Soares, S Ferreira, A Couto
Journal of safety research 72, 279-285, 2020
Urban road crashes and weather conditions: Untangling the effects
A Lobo, S Ferreira, I Iglesias, A Couto
Sustainability 11 (11), 3176, 2019
A probabilistic approach towards a crash risk assessment of urban segments
S Ferreira, A Couto
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 50, 97-105, 2015
Categorical modeling to evaluate road safety at the planning level
S Ferreira, A Couto
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 4 (4), 308-322, 2012
論文 1–20