Long W. Lam
Impact of competitiveness on salespeople's commitment and performance
LW Lam
Journal of business research 65 (9), 1328-1334, 2012
The bad boss takes it all: How abusive supervision and leader–member exchange interact to influence employee silence
AJ Xu, R Loi, LW Lam
The leadership quarterly 26 (5), 763-774, 2015
Ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing: Exploring dual-mediation paths
YL Bavik, PM Tang, R Shao, LW Lam
The leadership quarterly 29 (2), 322-332, 2018
Leader–member exchange, organizational identification, and job satisfaction: A social identity perspective
R Loi, KW Chan, LW Lam
Journal of Occupational and Organizational psychology 87 (1), 42-61, 2014
Feeling lonely at work: investigating the consequences of unsatisfactory workplace relationships
LW Lam, DC Lau
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 23 (20), 4265-4282, 2012
Coping with job insecurity: The role of procedural justice, ethical leadership and power distance orientation
R Loi, LW Lam, KW Chan
Journal of Business Ethics 108, 361-372, 2012
Does the look matter? The impact of casino servicescape on gaming customer satisfaction, intention to revisit, and desire to stay
LW Lam, KW Chan, D Fong, F Lo
International Journal of Hospitality Management 30 (3), 558-567, 2011
How locus of control shapes intention to reuse mobile apps for making hotel reservations: Evidence from Chinese consumers
LHN Fong, LW Lam, R Law
Tourism management 61, 331-342, 2017
Examining the effects of feeling trusted by supervisors in the workplace: A self‐evaluative perspective
DC Lau, LW Lam, SS Wen
Journal of Organizational Behavior 35 (1), 112-127, 2014
The effect of online reviews on hotel booking intention: The role of reader-reviewer similarity
ICC Chan, LW Lam, CWC Chow, LHN Fong, R Law
International Journal of Hospitality Management 66, 54-65, 2017
Power imbalance and employee silence: The role of abusive leadership, power distance orientation, and perceived organisational politics
LW Lam, AJ Xu
Applied Psychology 68 (3), 513-546, 2019
Linking organizational identification and employee performance in teams: The moderating role of team-member exchange
Y Liu, R Loi, LW Lam
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (15), 3187-3201, 2011
Human resource orientation and corporate performance
LW Lam, LP White
Human Resource Development Quarterly 9 (4), 351-364, 1998
An adaptive choice model of the internationalization process
LW Lam, LP White
The international journal of organizational analysis 7 (2), 105-134, 1999
Voice more and stay longer: How ethical leaders influence employee voice and exit intentions
LW Lam, R Loi, KW Chan, Y Liu
Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (3), 277-300, 2016
The identity-based explanation of affective commitment
L W. Lam, Y Liu
Journal of Managerial Psychology 29 (3), 321-340, 2014
Working under a committed boss: A test of the relationship between supervisors' and subordinates' affective commitment
R Loi, JYM Lai, LW Lam
The Leadership Quarterly 23 (3), 466-475, 2012
Returning good for evil: A study of customer incivility and extra-role customer service
JNY Zhu, LW Lam, JYM Lai
International Journal of Hospitality Management 81, 65-72, 2019
Defining who you are not: The roles of moral dirtiness and occupational and organizational disidentification in affecting casino employee turnover intention
JYM Lai, KW Chan, LW Lam
Journal of Business Research 66 (9), 1659-1666, 2013
Is more feedback seeking always better? Leader-member exchange moderates the relationship between feedback-seeking behavior and performance
LW Lam, KZ Peng, CS Wong, DC Lau
Journal of Management 43 (7), 2195-2217, 2017
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