Christoph Fink
Christoph Fink
確認したメール アドレス: univie.ac.at - ホームページ
Social media data for conservation science: A methodological overview
T Toivonen, V Heikinheimo, C Fink, A Hausmann, T Hiippala, O Järv, ...
Biological Conservation 233, 298-315, 2019
How to address data privacy concerns when using social media data in conservation science
E Di Minin, C Fink, A Hausmann, J Kremer, R Kulkarni
Conservation Biology, 2021
Digital data sources and methods for conservation culturomics
RA Correia, R Ladle, I Jarić, ACM Malhado, JC Mittermeier, U Roll, ...
Conservation Biology, 2021
Machine learning for tracking illegal wildlife trade on social media
E Di Minin, C Fink, H Tenkanen, T Hiippala
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (3), 406-407, 2018
The 15-minute city for all?–Measuring individual and temporal variations in walking accessibility
E Willberg, C Fink, T Toivonen
Journal of Transport Geography 106, 103521, 2023
A framework for investigating illegal wildlife trade on social media with machine learning
E Di Minin, C Fink, T Hiippala, H Tenkanen
Conservation Biology 33 (1), 210, 2019
Consequences of recreational hunting for biodiversity conservation and livelihoods
E Di Minin, HS Clements, RA Correia, G Cortes-Capano, C Fink, ...
One Earth 4 (2), 238-253, 2021
Understanding sentiment of national park visitors from social media data
A Hausmann, T Toivonen, C Fink, V Heikinheimo, R Kulkarni, ...
People and Nature 2 (3), 750-760, 2020
Online sentiment towards iconic species
C Fink, A Hausmann, E Di Minin
Biological Conservation 241, 108289, 2020
A pan-African spatial assessment of human conflicts with lions and elephants
E Di Minin, R Slotow, C Fink, H Bauer, C Packer
Nature communications 12 (1), 2978, 2021
Assessing global popularity and threats to Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas using social media data
A Hausmann, T Toivonen, C Fink, V Heikinheimo, H Tenkanen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 683, 617-623, 2019
Mapping the online songbird trade in Indonesia
C Fink, T Toivonen, RA Correia, E Di Minin
Applied Geography 134, 102505, 2021
Older people and the smart city: Developing inclusive practices to protect and serve a vulnerable population
A Tupasela, J Devis Clavijo, M Salokannel, C Fink
Internet policy review 12 (1), 1-21, 2023
Relationships among bicycle rider behaviours, anger, aggression, and crashes in Finland
S O’Hern, E Willberg, C Fink, S Useche
Safety 8 (1), 18, 2022
Mapping Together: On collaborative implicit cartographies, their discourses, and space construction
C Fink
meta-carto-semiotics 4 (1), 1-14, 2017
‘Green or short: choose one’-A comparison of walking accessibility and greenery in 43 European cities
E Willberg, C Fink, R Klein, R Heinonen, T Toivonen
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 113, 102168, 2024
Mapping hierarchies of mobility in the Baikal Amur Mainline region: a quantitative account of needs and expectations relating to railroad usage
A Sancho-Reinoso, G Saxinger, C Fink, O Povoroznyuk, SI Wentzel, ...
Polar Geography 45 (3), 157-176, 2022
A travel time matrix data set for the Helsinki region 2023 that is sensitive to time, mode and interpersonal differences, and uses open data and novel open-source software
C Fink, E Willberg, R Klein, V Heikinheimo, T Toivonen
Scientific Data 11 (1), 858, 2024
Modifying and analyzing Flickr data for wildlife conservation
H Hirvonen, T Leppämäki, JJ Rinne, P Muukkonen, C Fink
Examples and progress in geodata science, 2020
Digital Conservation: Novel methods and online data to address the biodiversity crisis
C Fink
Department of Geosciences and Geography A, 2021
論文 1–20