Jeff Headd
Jeff Headd
Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine
確認したメール アドレス: its.jnj.com
PHENIX: a comprehensive Python-based system for macromolecular structure solution
PD Adams, PV Afonine, G Bunkóczi, VB Chen, IW Davis, N Echols, ...
Biological crystallography 66 (2), 213-221, 2010
MolProbity: all-atom structure validation for macromolecular crystallography
VB Chen, WB Arendall, JJ Headd, DA Keedy, RM Immormino, GJ Kapral, ...
Biological crystallography 66 (1), 12-21, 2010
Towards automated crystallographic structure refinement with phenix. refine
PV Afonine, RW Grosse-Kunstleve, N Echols, JJ Headd, NW Moriarty, ...
Biological crystallography 68 (4), 352-367, 2012
MolProbity: more and better reference data for improved all‐atom structure validation
CJ Williams, JJ Headd, NW Moriarty, MG Prisant, LL Videau, LN Deis, ...
Protein Science 27 (1), 293-315, 2018
The Phenix software for automated determination of macromolecular structures
PD Adams, PV Afonine, G Bunkóczi, VB Chen, N Echols, JJ Headd, ...
Methods 55 (1), 94-106, 2011
RNA backbone: consensus all-angle conformers and modular string nomenclature (an RNA Ontology Consortium contribution)
JS Richardson, B Schneider, LW Murray, GJ Kapral, RM Immormino, ...
Rna 14 (3), 465-481, 2008
Use of knowledge-based restraints in phenix. refine to improve macromolecular refinement at low resolution
JJ Headd, N Echols, PV Afonine, RW Grosse-Kunstleve, VB Chen, ...
Biological Crystallography 68 (4), 381-390, 2012
Improved low-resolution crystallographic refinement with Phenix and Rosetta
F DiMaio, N Echols, JJ Headd, TC Terwilliger, PD Adams, D Baker
Nature methods 10 (11), 1102-1104, 2013
Graphical tools for macromolecular crystallography in PHENIX
N Echols, RW Grosse-Kunstleve, PV Afonine, G Bunkóczi, VB Chen, ...
Applied Crystallography 45 (3), 581-586, 2012
New tool: phenix. real_space_refine
PV Afonine, JJ Headd, TC Terwilliger, PD Adams
Computational crystallography newsletter 4 (2), 43-44, 2013
phenix. model_vs_data: A high-level tool for the calculation of crystallographic model and data statistics
PV Afonine, RW Grosse-Kunstleve, VB Chen, JJ Headd, NW Moriarty, ...
Applied Crystallography 43 (4), 669-676, 2010
The other 90% of the protein: Assessment beyond the Cαs for CASP8 template‐based and high‐accuracy models
DA Keedy, CJ Williams, JJ Headd, WB Arendall III, VB Chen, GJ Kapral, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 77 (S9), 29-49, 2009
Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr.
PD Adams
Co-crystal structures of PKG Iβ (92–227) with cGMP and cAMP reveal the molecular details of cyclic-nucleotide binding
JJ Kim, DE Casteel, G Huang, TH Kwon, RK Ren, P Zwart, JJ Headd, ...
PloS one 6 (4), e18413, 2011
Characterizing protein crystal contacts and their role in crystallization: rubredoxin as a case study
D Fusco, JJ Headd, A De Simone, J Wang, P Charbonneau
Soft matter 10 (2), 290-302, 2014
Automating crystallographic structure solution and refinement of protein–ligand complexes
N Echols, NW Moriarty, HE Klei, PV Afonine, G Bunkóczi, JJ Headd, ...
Biological Crystallography 70 (1), 144-154, 2014
Protein− Protein Interfaces: Properties, Preferences, and Projections
JJ Headd, YEA Ban, P Brown, H Edelsbrunner, M Vaidya, J Rudolph
Journal of Proteome Research 6 (7), 2576-2586, 2007
Autofix for backward-fit sidechains: using MolProbity and real-space refinement to put misfits in their place
JJ Headd, RM Immormino, DA Keedy, P Emsley, DC Richardson, ...
Journal of structural and functional genomics 10, 83-93, 2009
737 Richardson JS, Richardson DC. 2010. MolProbity: all-atom structure validation for 738 macromolecular crystallography
VB Chen, WB Arendall 3rd, JJ Headd, DA Keedy, RM Immormino, ...
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 66, 12-21, 0
Identification of the linker-SH2 domain of STAT as the origin of the SH2 domain using two-dimensional structural alignment
Q Gao, J Hua, R Kimura, JJ Headd, X Fu, YE Chin
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 3 (7), 704-714, 2004
論文 1–20