Bin Cao
Bin Cao
Harbin Institute of Technoogy Shenzhen Graduate School
確認したメール アドレス: hit.edu.cn
Effects of link disruption on licklider transmission protocol for mars communications
J Liang, R Wang, X Liu, L Yang, Y Zhou, B Cao, K Zhao
International Conference on Wireless and Satellite Systems, 98-108, 2021
Toward efficient radio spectrum utilization: User cooperation in cognitive radio networking
B Cao, Q Zhang, JW Mark, LX Cai, HV Poor
IEEE Network 26 (4), 46-52, 2012
Optimal communication strategies in cooperative cognitive radio networking
B Cao, Q Zhang, JW Mark, B Cao, Q Zhang, JW Mark
Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networking: System Model, Enabling Techniques …, 2016
Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networking Using Quadrature Signaling
B Cao, LX Cai, H Liang, JW Mark, Q Zhang, HV Poor, W Zhuang
INFOCOM 2012, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 3096 …, 2012
Polarization division multiple access with polarization modulation for LOS wireless communications
B Cao, QY Zhang, L Jin
EURASIP Journal on wireless communications and networking 2011, 1-9, 2011
Relay selection scheme based on propagation delay for cooperative underwater acoustic network
C Gao, Z Liu, B Cao, L Mu
2013 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal …, 2013
On exploiting polarization for energy-harvesting enabled cooperative cognitive radio networking
Q Zhang, B Cao, Y Wang, N Zhang, X Lin, L Sun
IEEE wireless communications 20 (4), 116-124, 2013
Exploiting Orthogonally Dual-Polarized Antennas in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networking
B Cao, H Liang, J Mark, Q Zhang
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (11), 2362 - 2373, 2013
Polarization filtering technique based on oblique projections
QY Zhang, B Cao, J Wang, NT Zhang
Science China Information Sciences 53, 1056-1066, 2010
An oblique projecting polarization filter
XP Mao, AJ Liu, WB Deng, B Cao, QY Zhang
Dianzi Xuebao(Acta Electronica Sinica) 38 (9), 2003-2008, 2010
IPAD: An incentive and privacy-aware data dissemination scheme in opportunistic networks
R Lu, X Lin, Z Shi, B Cao, XS Shen
2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 445-449, 2013
A Polarization Enabled Cooperation Framework for Cognitive Radio Networking
B Cao, JW Mark, Q Zhang
2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2012, 1-6, 2012
An oblique projection polarization filter
B Cao, AJ Liu, XP Mao, QY Zhang
2008 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and …, 2008
Blind adaptive polarization filtering based on oblique projection
B Cao, QY Zhang, D Liang, SM Wen, L Jin, YQ Zhang
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010
毛兴鹏, 刘爱军, 邓维波, 曹斌, 张钦宇
电子学报 38 (009), 2003-2008, 2010
Model free dynamic sensing order selection for imperfect sensing multichannel cognitive radio networks: A Q-learning approach
Y Zhang, Q Zhang, B Cao, P Chen
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems, 364-368, 2014
Enabling polarisation filtering in wireless communications: models, algorithms and characteristics
B Cao, J Yu, Y Wang, Q Zhang
IET Communications 7 (3), 247 –254, 2013
A novel high-rate polar-staircase coding scheme
B Feng, J Jiao, L Zhou, S Wu, B Cao, Q Zhang
2018 IEEE 88th vehicular technology conference (VTC-Fall), 1-5, 2018
Computationally efficient direction of arrival estimation with unknown number of signals
FG Yan, J Wang, S Liu, B Cao, M Jin
Digital Signal Processing 78, 175-184, 2018
A double auction mechanism for mobile crowd sensing with data reuse
X Zhang, L Gao, B Cao, Z Li, M Wang
GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2017
論文 1–20