Daniele Bortoli
Daniele Bortoli
Institute for Earth Sciences - University of Evora (ICT-UE) Portugal
確認したメール アドレス: uevora.pt
An overview of the first decade of Polly: an emerging network of automated Raman-polarization lidars for continuous aerosol profiling
H Baars, T Kanitz, R Engelmann, D Althausen, B Heese, M Komppula, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (8), 5111-5137, 2016
First comparison between ground‐based and satellite‐borne measurements of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide in the Po basin
A Petritoli, P Bonasoni, G Giovanelli, F Ravegnani, I Kostadinov, D Bortoli, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D15), 2004
Properties of dust aerosol particles transported to Portugal from the Sahara desert
F Wagner, D Bortoli, S Pereira, MJ Costa, A Maria Silva, B Weinzierl, ...
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 61 (1), 297-306, 2009
The unprecedented 2017–2018 stratospheric smoke event: decay phase and aerosol properties observed with the EARLINET
H Baars, A Ansmann, K Ohneiser, M Haarig, R Engelmann, D Althausen, ...
Atmospheric chemistry and physics 19 (23), 15183-15198, 2019
CALIPSO climatological products: evaluation and suggestions from EARLINET
N Papagiannopoulos, L Mona, L Alados-Arboledas, V Amiridis, H Baars, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16 (4), 2341-2357, 2016
An automatic observation-based aerosol typing method for EARLINET
N Papagiannopoulos, L Mona, A Amodeo, G D'Amico, P Gumà Claramunt, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (21), 15879-15901, 2018
Infrared lidar overlap function: an experimental determination
JL Guerrero-Rascado, MJ Costa, D Bortoli, AM Silva, H Lyamani, ...
Optics Express 18 (19), 20350-20369, 2010
Off-axis measurements of atmospheric trace gases by use of an airborne ultraviolet-visible spectrometer
A Petritoli, F Ravegnani, G Giovanelli, D Bortoli, U Bonafè, I Kostadinov, ...
Applied optics 41 (27), 5593-5599, 2002
Extreme, wintertime Saharan dust intrusion in the Iberian Peninsula: Lidar monitoring and evaluation of dust forecast models during the February 2017 event
AJ Fernández, M Sicard, MJ Costa, JL Guerrero-Rascado, ...
Atmospheric research 228, 223-241, 2019
Temporal and spatial variabilities of total ozone column over Portugal
M Anton, D Bortoli, MJ Costa, PS Kulkarni, AF Domingues, D Barriopedro, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (3), 855-863, 2011
Aerosol radiative effects during two desert dust events in August 2012 over the Southwestern Iberian Peninsula
MA Obregón, S Pereira, V Salgueiro, MJ Costa, AM Silva, A Serrano, ...
Atmospheric Research 153, 404-415, 2015
DeLiAn–a growing collection of depolarization ratio, lidar ratio and Ångström exponent for different aerosol types and mixtures from ground-based lidar observations
AA Floutsi, H Baars, R Engelmann, D Althausen, A Ansmann, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 2022, 1-39, 2022
Nocturnal surface ozone enhancement and trend over urban and suburban sites in Portugal
PS Kulkarni, D Bortoli, AM Silva
Atmospheric Environment 71, 251-259, 2013
Ground/space, passive/active remote sensing observations coupled with particle dispersion modelling to understand the inter-continental transport of wildfire smoke plumes
M Sicard, MJ Granados-Muñoz, L Alados-Arboledas, R Barragán, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 232, 111294, 2019
Tropospheric ozone variability over the Iberian Peninsula
PS Kulkarni, D Bortoli, R Salgado, M Antón, MJ Costa, AM Silva
Atmospheric Environment 45 (1), 174-182, 2011
Tropospheric ozone (TOR) trend over three major inland Indian cities: Delhi, Hyderabad and Bangalore
PS Kulkarni, SD Ghude, D Bortoli
Annales Geophysicae 28 (10), 1879-1885, 2010
Atmospheric boundary layer height estimation from aerosol lidar: a new approach based on morphological image processing techniques
G Vivone, G D'amico, D Summa, S Lolli, A Amodeo, D Bortoli, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (6), 4249-4265, 2021
Lake–atmosphere interactions at Alqueva reservoir: a case study in the summer of 2014
M Potes, R Salgado, MJ Costa, M Morais, D Bortoli, I Kostadinov, ...
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 69 (1), 1272787, 2017
Solar and thermal radiative effects during the 2011 extreme desert dust episode over Portugal
A Valenzuela, MJ Costa, JL Guerrero-Rascado, D Bortoli, FJ Olmo
Atmospheric Environment 148, 16-29, 2017
Electrical sensing of the dynamical structure of the planetary boundary layer
KA Nicoll, RG Harrison, HG Silva, R Salgado, M Melgao, D Bortoli
Atmospheric Research 202, 81-95, 2018
論文 1–20