Victor Guryev
Victor Guryev
European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing, University of Groningen
確認したメール アドレス: umcg.nl
Phylogenetic shadowing and computational identification of human microRNA genes
E Berezikov, V Guryev, J van de Belt, E Wienholds, RHA Plasterk, ...
Cell 120 (1), 21-24, 2005
Eleven grand challenges in single-cell data science
D Lähnemann, J Köster, E Szczurek, DJ McCarthy, SC Hicks, ...
Genome biology 21, 1-35, 2020
Multi-platform discovery of haplotype-resolved structural variation in human genomes
MJP Chaisson, AD Sanders, X Zhao, A Malhotra, D Porubsky, T Rausch, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1784, 2019
Unmasking transcriptional heterogeneity in senescent cells
A Hernandez-Segura, TV de Jong, S Melov, V Guryev, J Campisi, ...
Current Biology 27 (17), 2652-2660. e4, 2017
Transcription factor achaete scute-like 2 controls intestinal stem cell fate
LG Van Der Flier, ME Van Gijn, P Hatzis, P Kujala, A Haegebarth, ...
Cell 136 (5), 903-912, 2009
Whole-genome sequence variation, population structure and demographic history of the Dutch population
Nature genetics 46 (8), 818-825, 2014
Genome-wide patterns and properties of de novo mutations in humans
LC Francioli, PP Polak, A Koren, A Menelaou, S Chun, I Renkens, ...
Nature genetics 47 (7), 822-826, 2015
Computational pan-genomics: status, promises and challenges
Briefings in bioinformatics 19 (1), 118-135, 2018
Chromothripsis as a mechanism driving complex de novo structural rearrangements in the germline
WP Kloosterman, V Guryev, M van Roosmalen, KJ Duran, E de Bruijn, ...
Human molecular genetics 20 (10), 1916-1924, 2011
Many novel mammalian microRNA candidates identified by extensive cloning and RAKE analysis
E Berezikov, G van Tetering, M Verheul, J van de Belt, L van Laake, J Vos, ...
Genome research 16 (10), 1289-1298, 2006
The Genome of the Netherlands: design, and project goals
DI Boomsma, C Wijmenga, EP Slagboom, MA Swertz, LC Karssen, ...
European journal of human genetics 22 (2), 221-227, 2014
Genome-wide RNA tomography in the zebrafish embryo
JP Junker, ES Noel, V Guryev, KA Peterson, G Shah, J Huisken, ...
Cell 159 (3), 662-675, 2014
Genome-wide pattern of TCF7L2/TCF4 chromatin occupancy in colorectal cancer cells
P Hatzis, LG van der Flier, MA van Driel, V Guryev, F Nielsen, S Denissov, ...
Molecular and cellular biology 28 (8), 2732-2744, 2008
Single-cell sequencing reveals karyotype heterogeneity in murine and human malignancies
B Bakker, A Taudt, ME Belderbos, D Porubsky, DCJ Spierings, ...
Genome biology 17, 1-15, 2016
Genetic variation in the zebrafish
V Guryev, MJ Koudijs, E Berezikov, SL Johnson, RHA Plasterk, ...
Genome research 16 (4), 491-497, 2006
Constitutional chromothripsis rearrangements involve clustered double-stranded DNA breaks and nonhomologous repair mechanisms
WP Kloosterman, M Tavakoli-Yaraki, MJ van Roosmalen, ...
Cell reports 1 (6), 648-655, 2012
Distribution and functional impact of DNA copy number variation in the rat
V Guryev, K Saar, T Adamovic, M Verheul, SAAC Van Heesch, S Cook, ...
Nature genetics 40 (5), 538-545, 2008
Mutagenic capacity of endogenous G4 DNA underlies genome instability in FANCJ-defective C. elegans
E Kruisselbrink, V Guryev, K Brouwer, DB Pontier, E Cuppen, ...
Current Biology 18 (12), 900-905, 2008
Generation of gene knockouts and mutant models in the laboratory rat by ENU-driven target-selected mutagenesis
BMG Smits, JB Mudde, J van de Belt, M Verheul, J Olivier, J Homberg, ...
Pharmacogenetics and genomics 16 (3), 159-169, 2006
SNP and haplotype mapping for genetic analysis in the rat
Nature genetics 40 (5), 560-566, 2008
論文 1–20