Lynette Cusack
Lynette Cusack
確認したメール アドレス: adelaide.edu.au
Understanding individual resilience in the workplace: the international collaboration of workforce resilience model
CS Rees, LJ Breen, L Cusack, D Hegney
Frontiers in psychology 6, 73, 2015
Exploring environmental factors in nursing workplaces that promote psychological resilience: Constructing a unified theoretical model
L Cusack, M Smith, D Hegney, CS Rees, LJ Breen, RR Witt, C Rogers, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 600, 2016
Developing a model and tool to measure community disaster resilience
P Arbon
Australian Journal of Emergency Management, The 29 (4), 12-16, 2014
Australasian emergency nurses’ willingness to attend work in a disaster: a survey
P Arbon, J Ranse, L Cusack, J Considine, RZ Shaban, RJ Woodman, ...
Australasian emergency nursing journal 16 (2), 52-57, 2013
Can we predict burnout among student nurses? An exploration of the ICWR-1 model of individual psychological resilience
CS Rees, B Heritage, R Osseiran-Moisson, D Chamberlain, L Cusack, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1072, 2016
Heatwaves and their impact on people with alcohol, drug and mental health conditions: a discussion paper on clinical practice considerations
L Cusack, C de Crespigny, P Athanasos
Journal of advanced nursing 67 (4), 915-922, 2011
Exploring staff willingness to attend work during a disaster: a study of nurses employed in four Australian emergency departments
P Arbon, L Cusack, J Ranse, RZ Shaban, J Considine, M Kako, ...
Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal 16 (3), 103-109, 2013
Undergraduate nursing students' strategies for coping with their first clinical placement: Descriptive survey study
Y Alshahrani, L Cusack, P Rasmussen
Nurse education today 69, 104-108, 2018
What is the role of nursing students and schools of nursing during disaster? A discussion paper
L Cusack, P Arbon, J Ranse
Collegian 17 (4), 193-197, 2010
Measuring disaster resilience in communities and households: pragmatic tools developed in Australia
P Arbon, M Steenkamp, V Cornell, L Cusack, K Gebbie
International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment 7 (2 …, 2016
Extreme weather-related health needs of people who are homeless
L Cusack, A van Loon, D Kralik, P Arbon, S Gilbert
Australian Journal of Primary Health 19 (3), 250-255, 2013
Older people and disaster preparedness: A literature review
VJ Cornell, L Cusack, P Arbon
Australian Journal of Emergency Management, The 27 (3), 49-53, 2012
Are nurses recognised, prepared and supported to teach nursing students: Mixed methods study
L Cusack, K Thornton, PG Drioli-Phillips, T Cockburn, L Jones, ...
Nurse Education Today 90, 104434, 2020
A bibliographic exploration of nursing's scope of practice
DC Benton, L Cusack, R Jabbour, C Penney
International Nursing Review 64 (2), 224-232, 2017
Individual and environmental determinants of burnout among nurses
CS Rees, R Eley, R Osseiran-Moisson, K Francis, L Cusack, B Heritage, ...
Journal of health services research & policy 24 (3), 191-200, 2019
Piloting a mass gathering conceptual framework at an Adelaide Schoolies Festival
A Hutton, R Munt, K Zeitz, L Cusack, M Kako, P Arbon
Collegian 17 (4), 183-191, 2010
Re-engaging concepts of professionalism to inform regulatory practices in nursing
L Cusack, PG Drioli-Phillips, JA Brown, S Hunter
Journal of Nursing Regulation 10 (3), 21-27, 2019
Anticipated advantages and disadvantages of a move to 100% single‐room hospital in Australia: A case study
L Cusack, R Wiechula, T Schultz, J Dollard, J Maben
Journal of nursing management 27 (5), 963-970, 2019
Obtaining individual narratives and moving to an intersubjective lived-experience description: a way of doing phenomenology
J Ranse, P Arbon, L Cusack, RZ Shaban, D Nicholls
Qualitative Research 20 (6), 945-959, 2020
A re‐examination of the individual differences approach that explains occupational resilience and psychological adjustment among nurses
B Heritage, CS Rees, R Osseiran‐Moisson, D Chamberlain, L Cusack, ...
Journal of nursing management 27 (7), 1391-1399, 2019
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