Tao Chen
CogMesh: A cluster-based cognitive radio network
T Chen, H Zhang, GM Maggio, I Chlamtac
2007 2nd IEEE international symposium on new frontiers in dynamic spectrum …, 2007
Network slicing as a service: enabling enterprises' own software-defined cellular networks
X Zhou, R Li, T Chen, H Zhang
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (7), 146-153, 2016
View on 5G architecture
5G PPP Architecture Working Group
White Paper, July, 2016
Network energy saving technologies for green wireless access networks
T Chen, Y Yang, H Zhang, H Kim, K Horneman
Wireless Communications, IEEE 18 (5), 30-38, 2011
Energy-efficiency oriented traffic offloading in wireless networks: A brief survey and a learning approach for heterogeneous cellular networks
X Chen, J Wu, Y Cai, H Zhang, T Chen
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 33 (4), 627-640, 2015
Software defined mobile networks: concept, survey, and research directions
T Chen, M Matinmikko, X Chen, X Zhou, P Ahokangas
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (11), 126-133, 2015
Energy efficiency metrics for green wireless communications
T Chen, H Kim, Y Yang
2010 International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing …, 2010
Age of information aware radio resource management in vehicular networks: A proactive deep reinforcement learning perspective
X Chen, C Wu, T Chen, H Zhang, Z Liu, Y Zhang, M Bennis
IEEE Transactions on wireless communications 19 (4), 2268-2281, 2020
Resource allocation and interference management for opportunistic relaying in integrated mmWave/sub-6 GHz 5G networks
J Deng, O Tirkkonen, R Freij-Hollanti, T Chen, N Nikaein
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (6), 94-101, 2017
Topology management in CogMesh: a cluster-based cognitive radio mesh network
T Chen, H Zhang, GM Maggio, I Chlamtac
2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 6516-6521, 2007
Energy-efficient stable matching for resource allocation in energy harvesting-based device-to-device communications
Z Zhou, C Gao, C Xu, T Chen, D Zhang, S Mumtaz
IEEE access 5, 15184-15196, 2017
Swarm intelligence based dynamic control channel assignment in CogMesh
T Chen, H Zhang, MD Katz, Z Zhou
ICC Workshops-2008 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops …, 2008
Information freshness-aware task offloading in air-ground integrated edge computing systems
X Chen, C Wu, T Chen, Z Liu, H Zhang, M Bennis, H Liu, Y Ji
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 40 (1), 243-258, 2021
SoftMobile: Control evolution for future heterogeneous mobile networks
T Chen, H Zhang, X Chen, O Tirkkonen
IEEE Wireless Communications 21 (6), 70-78, 2014
6G network AI architecture for everyone-centric customized services
Y Yang, M Ma, H Wu, Q Yu, X You, J Wu, C Peng, TSP Yum, AH Aghvami, ...
IEEE Network 37 (5), 71-80, 2022
Towards green wireless access networks
T Chen, H Zhang, Z Zhao, X Chen
2010 5th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in …, 2010
A perspective of O-RAN integration with MEC, SON, and network slicing in the 5G era
I Chih-Lin, S Kuklinskí, T Chen
IEEE Network 34 (6), 3-4, 2020
Cellular architecture enhancement for supporting the European licensed shared access concept
M Mustonen, T Chen, H Saarnisaari, M Matinmikko, S Yrjola, M Palola
IEEE Wireless Communications 21 (3), 37-43, 2014
Towards service-oriented 5G: Virtualizing the networks for everything-as-a-service
Z Chang, Z Zhou, S Zhou, T Chen, T Ristaniemi
IEEE Access 6, 1480-1489, 2017
Toward 5G: When explosive bursts meet soft cloud
X Zhou, Z Zhao, R Li, Y Zhou, T Chen, Z Niu, H Zhang
IEEE network 28 (6), 12-17, 2014
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