オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Agnès Blaye詳細
一般公開: 26 件
The effects of bilingualism on toddlers’ executive functioning
D Poulin-Dubois, A Blaye, J Coutya, E Bialystok
Journal of experimental child psychology 108 (3), 567-579, 2011
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Word mapping and executive functioning in young monolingual and bilingual children
E Bialystok, R Barac, A Blaye, D Poulin-Dubois
Journal of cognition and development 11 (4), 485-508, 2010
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Lexical access and vocabulary development in very young bilinguals
D Poulin-Dubois, E Bialystok, A Blaye, A Polonia, J Yott
International Journal of Bilingualism 17 (1), 57-70, 2013
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Young children do not succeed in choice tasks that imply evaluating chances
V Girotto, L Fontanari, M Gonzalez, G Vallortigara, A Blaye
Cognition 152, 32-39, 2016
委任: European Commission, Government of Italy
The influence of stimulus-set size on developmental changes in cognitive control and conflict adaptation
J Kray, J Karbach, A Blaye
Acta psychologica 140 (2), 119-128, 2012
委任: German Research Foundation
From prioritizing objects to prioritizing cues: a developmental shift for cognitive control
N Chevalier, B Dauvier, A Blaye
Developmental science 21 (2), e12534, 2018
委任: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Cognitive control and language across the life span: Does labeling improve reactive control?
J Lucenet, A Blaye, N Chevalier, J Kray
Developmental Psychology 50 (5), 1620, 2014
委任: German Research Foundation
Conflict processing in kindergarten children: New evidence from distribution analyses reveals the dynamics of incorrect response activation and suppression
S Ambrosi, M Servant, A Blaye, B Burle
Journal of experimental child psychology 177, 36-52, 2019
委任: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Inhibiting errors while they are produced: Direct evidence for error monitoring and inhibitory control in children
K Śmigasiewicz, S Ambrosi, A Blaye, B Burle
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 41, 100742, 2020
委任: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Learning-based before intentional cognitive control: Developmental evidence for a dissociation between implicit and explicit control.
C Gonthier, S Ambrosi, A Blaye
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 47 (10 …, 2021
委任: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Can older adults enhance task-switching performance by verbal self-instructions? The influence of working-memory load and early learning
J Kray, J Lucenet, A Blaye
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2, 147, 2010
委任: German Research Foundation
Five-year-old children’s working memory can be improved when children act on a transparent goal cue
C Fitamen, A Blaye, V Camos
Scientific reports 9 (1), 15342, 2019
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Preschoolers are capable of fine-grained implicit cognitive control: Evidence from development of the context-specific proportion congruency effect
C Gonthier, A Blaye
Journal of experimental child psychology 210, 105211, 2021
委任: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The dynamics of interference control across childhood and adolescence: Distribution analyses in three conflict tasks and ten age groups.
S Ambrosi, K Śmigasiewicz, B Burle, A Blaye
Developmental psychology 56 (12), 2262, 2020
委任: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
What do I do next? The influence of two self-cueing strategies on children’s engagement of proactive control
J Lucenet, A Blaye
Cognitive Development 50, 167-176, 2019
委任: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Developmental changes in using verbal self-cueing in task-switching situations: The impact of task practice and task-sequencing demands
J Kray, H Gaspard, J Karbach, A Blaye
Frontiers in Psychology 4, 940, 2013
委任: German Research Foundation
The role of goal cueing in kindergarteners’ working memory
C Fitamen, A Blaye, V Camos
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 187, 104666, 2019
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Stronger impulse capture and impaired inhibition of prepotent action in children with ADHD performing a Simon task: An electromyographic study.
A Grandjean, I Suarez, E Diaz, L Spieser, B Burle, A Blaye, L Casini
Neuropsychology 35 (4), 399, 2021
委任: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Children’s gist-based false memory in working memory tasks.
M Rousselle, M Abadie, A Blaye, V Camos
Developmental Psychology 59 (2), 272, 2023
委任: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Cognitive mechanisms underlying free recall in episodic memory performance across the lifespan: testing the control/representation model
L Taconnat, B Bouazzaoui, C Bouquet, P Larigauderie, A Witt, A Blaye
Psychological Research 87 (5), 1370-1388, 2023
委任: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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