Dirk Vissers
Dirk Vissers
Professor in Physiotherapy, University of Antwerp Belgium
確認したメール アドレス: uantwerpen.be - ホームページ
The effect of exercise on visceral adipose tissue in overweight adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
D Vissers, W Hens, J Taeymans, JP Baeyens, J Poortmans, L Van Gaal
PloS one 8 (2), e56415, 2013
Effect of long-term whole body vibration training on visceral adipose tissue: a preliminary report
D Vissers, A Verrijken, I Mertens, C Van Gils, A Van de Sompel, S Truijen, ...
Obesity facts 3 (2), 93-100, 2010
Comparing exercise training modalities in heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis
J Cornelis, P Beckers, J Taeymans, C Vrints, D Vissers
International journal of cardiology 221, 867-876, 2016
Assessment of endothelial dysfunction in childhood obesity and clinical use
L Bruyndonckx, VY Hoymans, AH Van Craenenbroeck, DK Vissers, ...
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2013 (1), 174782, 2013
Effects of aerobic endurance, muscle strength, and motor control exercise on physical fitness and musculoskeletal injury rate in preprofessional dancers: an uncontrolled trial
W Mistiaen, NA Roussel, D Vissers, L Daenen, S Truijen, J Nijs
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 35 (5), 381-389, 2012
Diet, exercise, and endothelial function in obese adolescents
L Bruyndonckx, VY Hoymans, A De Guchtenaere, M Van Helvoirt, ...
Pediatrics 135 (3), e653-e661, 2015
Airway clearance in COPD: need for a breath of fresh air? A systematic review
K Ides, D Vissers, L De Backer, G Leemans, W De Backer
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 8 (3), 196-205, 2011
Effect of a physical conditioning versus health promotion intervention in dancers: A randomized controlled trial
NA Roussel, D Vissers, K Kuppens, E Fransen, S Truijen, J Nijs, ...
Manual Therapy 19 (6), 562-568, 2014
Prognostic respiratory parameters in heart failure patients with and without exercise oscillatory ventilation—a systematic review and descriptive meta-analysis
J Cornelis, J Taeymans, W Hens, P Beckers, C Vrints, D Vissers
International journal of cardiology 182, 476-486, 2015
Endothelial progenitor cells and endothelial microparticles are independent predictors of endothelial function
L Bruyndonckx, VY Hoymans, G Frederix, A De Guchtenaere, H Franckx, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 165 (2), 300-305, 2014
Physical activity monitoring in stroke: SenseWear Pro2 activity accelerometer versus Yamax Digi-Walker SW-200 pedometer
C Vanroy, D Vissers, P Cras, S Beyne, H Feys, Y Vanlandewijck, S Truijen
Disability and rehabilitation 36 (20), 1695-1703, 2014
The effect of non‐surgical weight loss interventions on urinary incontinence in overweight women: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
D Vissers, H Neels, A Vermandel, S De Wachter, WAA Tjalma, ...
Obesity reviews 15 (7), 610-617, 2014
An overview of the applied definitions and diagnostic methods to assess exercise oscillatory ventilation—a systematic review
J Cornelis, P Beckers, C Vanroy, T Volckaerts, C Vrints, D Vissers
International journal of cardiology 190, 161-169, 2015
The effect of diet or exercise on visceral adipose tissue in overweight youth
D Vissers, W Hens, D Hansen, JAN Taeymans
Medicine and science in sports and exercise.-Madison, Wis., 1980, currens 48 …, 2016
Overweight in adolescents: differences per type of education. Does one size fit all?
D Vissers, N Devoogdt, N Gebruers, I Mertens, S Truijen, L Van Gaal
Journal of nutrition education and behavior 40 (2), 65-71, 2008
The effectiveness of a mobile high‐frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) device for airway clearance
G Leemans, D Belmans, C Van Holsbeke, B Becker, D Vissers, K Ides, ...
Pediatric pulmonology 55 (8), 1984-1992, 2020
Exercise-based rehabilitation reduces reinjury following acute lateral ankle sprain: A systematic review update with meta-analysis
J Wagemans, C Bleakley, J Taeymans, AP Schurz, K Kuppens, H Baur, ...
PLOS ONE 17 (2), e0262023, 2022
Effectiveness of active cycling in subacute stroke rehabilitation: A randomized controlled trial
C Vanroy, H Feys, A Swinnen, Y Vanlandewijck, S Truijen, D Vissers, ...
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 98 (8), 1576-1585. e5, 2017
The effect of lifestyle interventions on excess ectopic fat deposition measured by noninvasive techniques in overweight and obese adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
W Hens, J Taeymans, J Cornelis, J Gielen, L Van Gaal, D Vissers
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 13 (6), 671-694, 2016
Metabolic syndrome in youth: a cross‐sectional school‐based survey
D Vissers, C Vanroy, A De Meulenaere, A Van de Sompel, S Truijen, ...
Acta paediatrica 96 (12), 1809-1813, 2007
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