Elsadig Mohamed
Elsadig Mohamed
Associate Professor of Community Medicine
確認したメール アドレス: mu.edu.sa
Patients’ Satisfaction with Primary Health Care Centers’ Services, Majmaah, Kingdom of Saudi of Saudi Arabia
FA Elsadig Yousif Mohamed, Waqas Sami, Abdullah Alotaibi, Abdulrahman ...
International Journal of Health Sciences, Qassim University, 9 (2), 163-70, 2015
Medical students’ knowledge, attitude, and practice of complementary and alternative medicine: a pre-and post-exposure survey in Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia
MA Al Mansour, AMN Al-Bedah, MO AlRukban, IS Elsubai, EY Mohamed, ...
Advances in medical education and practice, 407-420, 2015
High levels of Schistosoma mansoni infections among schoolchildren in central Sudan one year after treatment with praziquantel
AM Ahmed, LA El Tash, EY Mohamed, I Adam
Journal of helminthology 86 (2), 228-232, 2012
.Deficiencies in Medical Prescriptions in a Sudanese Hospital
MEAMAA 4. Elsadig Yousif, A M Ahmed
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 12 (6), 915-18, 2006
Level of awareness and attitudes toward epilepsy in Qassim, Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study
EYM Reema Altowayan , Heetaf Aloqaily, Aqeel Almutairi, Rawan Almassri ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 90, 66–69, 2019
obesity Among Medical Students of the national ribat university, Khartoum 2008
SM Abdalla, EY Mohamed
Natl Ribat Univ J 10, 16-19, 2008
Contributing factors of vesico-vaginal fistula (VVF) among fistula patients in Dr. Abbo's National Fistula & Urogynecology Centre-Khartoum 2008.
EY Mohamed, MFA Boctor, HA Ahmed, H Seedahmed, MA Abdelgadir, ...
Satisfaction, self-use and perception of medical students in Majmaah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, towards Complementary and Alternative Medicine
WSMSAM Mohammed A. Al Mansour,Elsadig Y. Mohamed, Sawsan M. A, Khalid A. Medani
Taibah University Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences 10 (1), 74-78, 2015
Prevalence and factors associated with unintended pregnancy among married women in an urban and rural community, Khartoum state, Sudan
MM Sabahelzain, SM Abdalla, SA Meraj, E Mohamed, MA Almansour, ...
Global J Med Public Health 3 (4), 1-9, 2014
Breast cancer awareness and breast self-examination among future female university graduates: comparison between medical and non-medical students
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 4 (3), 685-689, 2016
Knowledge, attitude and practices of evidence-based medicine among Sudanese medical doctors
HS Ahmed, EY Mohamed, SM Abdalla, KA Madani, F Kaliyadan
Education for Health 28 (2), 152-153, 2015
Quality of antenatal care provided for pregnant women in Ribat University Hospital, Khartoum
MAAGE Ounsa, EY Mohamed.
SJPH 6 (2), 2011
Specialty preferences and factors affecting the choices of postgraduate specialty among undergraduate medical students
EY Mohamed
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 38 (6), 1431, 2022
Medical students' opinion toward the application of complementary and alternative medicine in healthcare
SM Ahmed, MA Al-Mansour, EY Mohamed, KA Medani, SM Abdalla, ...
Saudi Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences 5 (1), 20-25, 2017
Stigma among tuberculosis patients in Gezira State, Sudan
EY Mohamed, SM Abdalla, MA Abdelgadir, A Elsayed, AA Khamis, ...
Sudanese Journal of Public Health 6 (1), 22-26, 2011
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of self-ear cleaning among medical students, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia
SA Aldawsari, AA Aldawsari, AA Aljthalin, FM AlDossari, MA Alhammad, ...
Int J Med Res Prof 4 (4), 155-61, 2018
Factors associated with patient delay in accessing pulmonary tuberculosis care, Gezira State, Sudan, 2009.
EY Mohamed, SM Abdalla, AA Khamis, A Abdelbadea, MA Abdelgadir
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 19 (2), 2013
The effect of malaria on biochemical liver function parameters in Sudanese pregnant women
NEE Elbadawi, MI Mohamed, H Elzaki, MEY Ounsa MAAGE, EK Ibrahim
J Physiobiochem Metab 1 (2), 2012
Problems and factors that influence use of the internet by the Sudanese doctors
AMAE Yousif
SJPH 2 (3), 177-80, 2007
Stroke prevention: knowledge of the general population in Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia
SM Abdalla, EY Mohamed, BA Almehmadi, MA Alanazi, HM Elsabagh
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 25 (17), 5424-5428, 2021
論文 1–20