Kwun Nok Mimi Man
Dysregulated microRNAs in the pathogenesis and progression of cervical neoplasm
T Cheung, KM Man, M Yu, S Yim, NSS Siu, KWK Lo, G Doran, RRY Wong, ...
Cell Cycle 11 (15), 2876-2884, 2012
Analysis of neurotransmitter release mechanisms by photolysis of caged Ca2+ in an autaptic neuron culture system
A Burgalossi, SY Jung, KM Man, R Nair, WJ Jockusch, SM Wojcik, ...
Nature protocols 7 (7), 1351-1365, 2012
Adeno-associated viral vectors for functional intravenous gene transfer throughout the non-human primate brain
MR Chuapoco, NC Flytzanis, N Goeden, J Christopher Octeau, KM Roxas, ...
Nature nanotechnology 18 (10), 1241-1251, 2023
Identification of a Munc13-sensitive step in chromaffin cell large dense-core vesicle exocytosis
KNM Man, C Imig, AM Walter, PS Pinheiro, DR Stevens, J Rettig, ...
Elife 4, e10635, 2015
A novel Munc13-4/S100A10/annexin A2 complex promotes Weibel–Palade body exocytosis in endothelial cells
T Chehab, NC Santos, A Holthenrich, SN Koerdt, J Disse, C Schuberth, ...
Molecular Biology of the Cell 28 (12), 1688-1700, 2017
Genetic Markers of a Munc13 Protein Family Member, BAIAP3, Are Gender Specifically Associated with Anxiety and Benzodiazepine Abuse in Mice and Humans
HE Sonja M Wojcik, Martesa Tantra, Beata Stepniak, Kwun-nok M Man, Katja ...
Molecular Medicine 19, 135-148, 2013
Alpha-Actinin-1 promotes activity of the L-type Ca2+ Channel CaV1. 2
M Turner, D Anderson, M Nieves-Cintron, P Bartels, AM Coleman, ...
EMBO Journal, e102622, 2020
Localization and expression pattern of cytoglobin in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis
KM Man, S Philipsen, KC Tan-Un
Toxicology letters 183 (1-3), 36-44, 2008
Tissue-specific adrenergic regulation of the L-type Ca2+ channel CaV1.2
KNM Man, P Bartels, MC Horne, JW Hell
Science signaling 13 (663), eabc6438, 2020
β2 Adrenergic Receptor Complexes with the L-Type Ca2+ Channel CaV1.2 and AMPA-Type Glutamate Receptors: Paradigms for Pharmacological Targeting of …
KNM Man, MF Navedo, MC Horne, JW Hell
Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology 60 (1), 155-174, 2020
Satisfaction, preference and error occurrence of three dry powder inhalers as assessed by a cohort naïve to inhaler operation
KNM Man, Z Tian, DCL Lam, JMF Wan, KC Tan-Un
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 1949-1963, 2018
Spatiotemporal Control of Vascular CaV1.2 by α1C S1928 Phosphorylation
M Martín-Aragón Baudel, VA Flores-Tamez, J Hong, GR Reddy, ...
Circulation research 131 (12), 1018-1033, 2022
β-blockers augment L-type Ca2+ channel activity by targeting spatially restricted β2AR signaling in neurons
YKX Ao Shen, Dana Chen, Mampreet Kaur, Peter Bartels, Bing Xu, Qian Shi ...
eLife, https://elifesciences.org/articles/49464, 2019
Age-dependent contributions of NMDA receptors and L-type calcium channels to long-term depression in the piriform cortex
V Rajani, A Maziar, KNM Man, JW Hell, Q Yuan
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (24), 13551, 2021
Secondhand smoke exposure impairs ion channel function and contractility of mesenteric arteries
T Le, M Martín-Aragón Baudel, A Syed, N Singhrao, S Pan, ...
Function 2 (5), zqab041, 2021
Aging differentially affects LTCC function in hippocampal CA1 and piriform cortex pyramidal neurons
A Maziar, TN Critch, S Ghosh, V Rajani, CM Flynn, T Qin, C Reinhardt, ...
Cerebral Cortex 33 (4), 1489-1503, 2023
Half-calcified calmodulin promotes basal activity and inactivation of the L-type calcium channel CaV1. 2
P Bartels, I Salveson, AM Coleman, DE Anderson, G Jeng, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (12), 2022
α1-Adrenergic receptor–PKC–Pyk2–Src signaling boosts L-type Ca2+ channel CaV1. 2 activity and long-term potentiation in rodents
KNM Man, P Bartels, PB Henderson, K Kim, M Shi, M Zhang, SY Ho, ...
Elife 12, e79648, 2023
Pro-inflammatory CXCR3 impairs mitochondrial function in experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Theranostics. 2017; 7: 4192-203
J Du, X Zhang, J Han, K Man, Y Zhang, ES Chu, Y Nan, J Yu
N Engl J Med 369, 2236-51, 2013
Olive oil enriched diet suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tumor growth via focal adhesion pathway
C Lee, ST Fan, WH Sit, IWY Jor, LLY Wong, K Man, KC Tan-Un, JMF Wan
Cancer Research 67 (9_Supplement), LB-60-LB-60, 2007
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