Fam te Poel
Fam te Poel
Lecturer Communication Science and Methods & Statistics University of Amsterdam
確認したメール アドレス: uva.nl
The Curious Case of Cyberchondria: A Longitudinal Study on the Reciprocal Relationship between Health Anxiety and Online Health Information Seeking
F te Poel, SE Baumgartner, T Hartmann, M Tanis
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2016
The relationship between media multitasking and attention problems in adolescents: Results of two longitudinal studies
SE Baumgartner, WA van der Schuur, JS Lemmens, F te Poel
Human Communication Research 44 (1), 3-30, 2018
Efficacy of a single computer-tailored e-mail for smoking cessation: results after 6 months
F Te Poel, C Bolman, A Reubsaet, H de Vries
Health Education Research 24 (6), 930-940, 2009
Online health anxiety and consultation satisfaction: A quantitative exploratory study on their relations
M Tanis, T Hartmann, F Te Poel
Patient education and counseling 99 (7), 1227-1232, 2016
“Skinny is prettier and normal: I want to be normal”—Perceived body image of non-Western ethnic minority children in the Netherlands
J Veldhuis, F Te Poel, R Pepping, EA Konijn, MLC Spekman
Body image 20, 74-86, 2017
Psychosocial correlates of leisure-time walking among Australian adults of lower and higher socio-economic status
E Janssen, T Sugiyama, E Winkler, H De Vries, F Te Poel, N Owen
Health education research 25 (2), 316-324, 2010
Is action planning helpful for smoking cessation? Assessing the effects of action planning in a web-based computer tailored intervention
H Bolman, C., Eggers, S.M., Osch, L., te Poel, F., Candel, M. de Vries
Substance Use & Misuse, 2015
Sick for information?: information needs and media use of the Dutch public during the covid-19 Pandemic
F te Poel, AJ Linn, SE Baumgartner, L van Dijk, ES Smit
European Journal of Health Communication 2 (3), 24-43, 2021
A psychometric evaluation of the Dutch Short Health Anxiety Inventory in the general population.
F Te Poel, T Hartmann, SE Baumgartner, M Tanis
Psychological assessment 29 (2), 186, 2017
A longitudinal multilevel approach to examine media effects: Introducing the random intercept cross-lagged panel model to communication research
F te Poel, S Baumgartner
The 18th Annual Conference of the Methods Division of the German …, 2016
Mediagebruik en informatiebehoeften van Nederlanders tijdens de Covid-19 crisis
F Te Poel, A Linn, S Baumgartner, L Van Dijk, E Smit
Amsterdam Center for Health Communication. University of Amsterdam, 2020
Onderscheid tussen temporomandibulaire pijn en andere vormen van orofaciale pijn op basis van een vragenlijst
M Bonn, C.E.H.M., van Selms, M.K.A., te Poel, F
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 120 (1), 28-33, 2013
Psychosocial determinants of health information seeking behavior
F te Poel, M Tanis
The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication, 1-6, 2023
The curious case of cyberchondria: A study of the relationship between online health information seeking and health anxiety
F te Poel
“Skinny is prettier and normal: I want to be normal”: Body image of non-Western ethnic minority children in the Netherlands
J Veldhuis, R Pepping, F te Poel, EA Konijn, MLC Spekman
65th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA …, 2015
The efficacy of action plans in a computer tailored smoking cessation program
F Te Poel, A Reubsaet, H De Vries
The 13th World Conference on Tobacco OR Health, 2006
論文 1–16