Steven Prawer
Steven Prawer
確認したメール アドレス: unimelb.edu.au
Room-temperature coherent coupling of single spins in diamond
T Gaebel, M Domhan, I Popa, C Wittmann, P Neumann, F Jelezko, ...
Nature Physics 2 (6), 408-413, 2006
Raman spectroscopy of diamond and doped diamond
S Prawer, RJ Nemanich
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 2004
Quantum measurement and orientation tracking of fluorescent nanodiamonds inside living cells
LP McGuinness, Y Yan, A Stacey, DA Simpson, LT Hall, D Maclaurin, ...
Nature nanotechnology 6 (6), 358-363, 2011
Diamond photonics
I Aharonovich, AD Greentree, S Prawer
Nature Photonics 5 (7), 397-405, 2011
Diamond-based single-photon emitters
I Aharonovich, S Castelletto, DA Simpson, CH Su, AD Greentree, ...
Reports on progress in Physics 74 (7), 076501, 2011
Systematic variation of the Raman spectra of DLC films as a function of sp2: sp3 composition
S Prawer, KW Nugent, Y Lifshitz, GD Lempert, E Grossman, J Kulik, ...
Diamond and related materials 5 (3-5), 433-438, 1996
Electronic properties and metrology applications of the diamond NV− center under pressure
MW Doherty, VV Struzhkin, DA Simpson, LP McGuinness, Y Meng, ...
Physical review letters 112 (4), 047601, 2014
The Raman spectrum of nanocrystalline diamond
S Prawer, KW Nugent, DN Jamieson, JO Orwa, LA Bursill, JL Peng
Chemical Physics Letters 332 (1-2), 93-97, 2000
Stable superhydrophobic surface via carbon nanotubes coated with a ZnO thin film
L Huang, SP Lau, HY Yang, ESP Leong, SF Yu, S Prawer
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (16), 7746-7748, 2005
Stark shift control of single optical centers in diamond
P Tamarat, T Gaebel, JR Rabeau, M Khan, AD Greentree, H Wilson, ...
Physical review letters 97 (8), 083002, 2006
Structural investigation of xenon-ion-beam-irradiated glassy carbon
DG McCulloch, S Prawer, A Hoffman
Physical Review B 50 (9), 5905, 1994
Coherent population trapping of single spins in diamond under optical excitation
C Santori, P Tamarat, P Neumann, J Wrachtrup, D Fattal, RG Beausoleil, ...
Physical review letters 97 (24), 247401, 2006
Implantation of labelled single nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond using N15
JR Rabeau, P Reichart, G Tamanyan, DN Jamieson, S Prawer, F Jelezko, ...
Applied Physics Letters 88 (2), 2006
Minimally invasive endovascular stent-electrode array for high-fidelity, chronic recordings of cortical neural activity
TJ Oxley, NL Opie, SE John, GS Rind, SM Ronayne, TL Wheeler, JW Judy, ...
Nature biotechnology 34 (3), 320-327, 2016
Thermal stability and relaxation in diamond-like-carbon. A Raman study of films with different fractions ( to )
R Kalish, Y Lifshitz, K Nugent, S Prawer
Applied physics letters 74 (20), 2936-2938, 1999
Controlled shallow single-ion implantation in silicon using an active substrate for sub-20‐keV ions
DN Jamieson, C Yang, T Hopf, SM Hearne, CI Pakes, S Prawer, M Mitic, ...
Applied Physics Letters 86 (20), 2005
Photochromism in single nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond
T Gaebel, M Domhan, C Wittmann, I Popa, F Jelezko, J Rabeau, ...
Applied Physics B 82, 243-246, 2006
Single-photon emitting diode in silicon carbide
A Lohrmann, N Iwamoto, Z Bodrog, S Castelletto, T Ohshima, TJ Karle, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7783, 2015
Raman investigation of damage caused by deep ion implantation in diamond
JO Orwa, KW Nugent, DN Jamieson, S Prawer
Physical Review B 62 (9), 5461, 2000
Mechanical properties and Raman spectra of tetrahedral amorphous carbon films with high sp3 fraction deposited using a filtered cathodic arc
S Xu, D Flynn, BK Tay, S Prawer, KW Nugent, SRP Silva, Y Lifshitz, ...
Philosophical Magazine B 76 (3), 351-361, 1997
論文 1–20