オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Torben Lund詳細
一般には非公開: 2 件
Investigation of tetramorpholinohydroquinone as a potential catholyte in a flow battery
E Drazevic, C Szabo, D Konya, T Lund, K Wedege, A Bentien
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2 (7), 4745-4754, 2019
委任: Danish Council for Independent Research, European Commission
Differences in the structure of anthocyanins from the two amphibious plants, Lobelia cardinalis and Nesaea crassicaulis
BM Vodopivec, J Wang, AL Møller, J Krake, T Lund, PE Hansen, ...
Natural Product Research 27 (7), 655-664, 2013
委任: Danish Council for Independent Research
一般公開: 3 件
Isolation, Purification, and Antimicrobial Characterization of Cannabidiolic Acid and Cannabidiol from Cannabis sativa L.
LD Martinenghi, R Jønsson, T Lund, H Jenssen
Biomolecules 10 (6), 900, 2020
委任: Danish Council for Independent Research
Light-induced electrolyte improvement in cobalt tris (bipyridine)-mediated dye-sensitized solar cells
J Gao, W Yang, AM El-Zohry, GK Prajapati, Y Fang, J Dai, Y Hao, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (33), 19495-19505, 2019
委任: Swedish Research Council
Physiological response in E. coli to YdgR overexpression depends on whether the protein has an intact function
S Sajid, LH Salas, M Rafiq, T Lund, MG Jørgensen, B Honoré, ...
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 661, 42-49, 2023
委任: Carlsberg Foundation DK
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