Don V Kerr
Don V Kerr
University of the Southern Queensland
確認したメール アドレス: usq.edu.au
The influence of consumers' environmental beliefs and attitudes on energy saving behaviours
D Gadenne, B Sharma, D Kerr, T Smith
Energy policy 39 (12), 7684-7694, 2011
Business co-creation for service innovation in the hospitality and tourism industry
JS Chen, D Kerr, CY Chou, C Ang
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 29 (6), 1522-1540, 2017
A systematic review of research into how robotic technology can help older people
M Shishehgar, D Kerr, J Blake
Smart Health 7, 1-18, 2018
A qualitative case study of the adoption and use of an agricultural decision support system in the Australian cotton industry: The socio-technical view
D Mackrell, D Kerr, L Von Hellens
Decision Support Systems 47 (2), 143-153, 2009
Milk production estimates using feed forward artificial neural networks
L Sanzogni, D Kerr
Computers and electronics in agriculture 32 (1), 21-30, 2001
The effectiveness of various robotic technologies in assisting older adults
M Shishehgar, D Kerr, J Blake
Health informatics journal 25 (3), 892-918, 2019
Impact of Web Based Flexible Learning on Academic Performance in Information Systems
K Bryant, J Campbell, D Kerr
Journal of Information Systems Education 14 (1), 41-50, 2003
Factors influencing the development and adoption of knowledge based decision support systems for small, owner-operated rural business
D Kerr
Artificial Intelligence Review 22, 127-147, 2004
Northern dairy feedbase 2001. 2. Summer feeding systems
RT Cowan, RJ Moss, DV Kerr
Tropical Grasslands 27, 150-150, 1993
Power relationships that lead to the development of feral systems
DV Kerr, L Houghton, K Burgess
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 14 (2), 2007
The use of role-playing to help students understand information systems case studies
D Kerr, A Troth, A Pickering
Journal of Information Systems Education 14 (2), 167-172, 2003
Issues that support the creation of ICT workarounds: towards a theoretical understanding of feral information systems
A Spierings, D Kerr, L Houghton
Information Systems Journal 27 (6), 775-794, 2017
Adoption of assistive technologies for aged care: A realist review of recent studies
S Vichitvanichphong, A Talaei-Khoei, D Kerr, AH Ghapanchi
2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2706-2715, 2014
A study into the creation of feral information systems as a response to an ERP implementation within the supply chain of a large government-owned corporation
L Houghton, DV Kerr
International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 4 (2), 135-147, 2006
A collective artefact design of decision support systems: design science research perspective
S J. Miah, D Kerr, L von Hellens
Information Technology & People 27 (3), 259-279, 2014
Does sustainable tourism development enhance destination prosperity?
E Falatoonitoosi, V Schaffer, D Kerr
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 46 (5), 1056-1082, 2022
Co-production of service innovations through dynamic capability enhancement
JS Chen, D Kerr, SS Tsang, YC Sung
The Service Industries Journal 35 (1-2), 96-114, 2015
A methodology to allow rural extension professionals to build target-specific expert systems for Australian rural business operators
SJ Miah, DV Kerr, JG Gammack
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (1), 735-744, 2009
DAIRYPRO—a knowledge-based decision support system for strategic planning on sub-tropical dairy farms. I. System description
DV Kerr, RT Cowan, J Chaseling
Agricultural Systems 59 (3), 245-255, 1999
Accelerating supply chain management learning: identifying enablers from a university-industry collaboration
T Gibson, D Kerr, R Fisher
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 21 (4), 470-484, 2016
論文 1–20