オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Vasil Pirgozliev詳細
一般には非公開: 2 件
Energy metabolisability and digestibility of amino acids by broilers fed on malted sorghum sprouts supplemented with polyethylene glycol, charcoal, phytase and xylanase
OO Oduguwa, V Pirgozliev, T Acamovic
British Poultry Science 48 (1), 55-63, 2007
委任: Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Executive
Effect of fungal fermentation with Aspergillus niger and enzyme supplementation on metabolizable energy values of unpeeled cassava root meal for meat-type cockerels
AO Oso, L Li, B Zhang, R Uo, JX Fan, S Wang, G Jiang, H Liu, T Rahoo, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 210, 281-286, 2015
委任: Chinese Academy of Sciences
一般公開: 4 件
Energy utilization and growth performance of chickens fed novel wheat inbred lines selected for different pentosan levels with and without xylanase supplementation
V Pirgozliev, SP Rose, T Pellny, AM Amerah, M Wickramasinghe, M Ulker, ...
Poultry Science 94 (2), 232-239, 2015
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Manipulation of plasma myo-inositol in broiler chickens: effect on growth performance, dietary energy, nutrient availability, and hepatic function
V Pirgozliev, CA Brearley, SP Rose, SC Mansbridge
Poultry science 98 (1), 260-268, 2019
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Rapeseed meal processing and dietary enzymes modulate excreta inositol phosphate profile, nutrient availability, and production performance of broiler chickens
VR Pirgozliev, SC Mansbridge, T Kendal, ES Watts, SP Rose, ...
Poultry Science 101 (10), 102067, 2022
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
The effect of using solid-state fermented peeled and unpeeled cassava root tubers and limiting amino acid supplementation on metabolisable energy for meat-type cockerels
AO Oso, L Li, B Zhang, H Liu, F Li, SO Osho, WA Olayemi, V Pirgozliev
Tropical Agriculture 94 (3), 2017
委任: Chinese Academy of Sciences
公開と助成金に関する情報は、コンピュータ プログラムによって自動的に決定されます