Alice Jones Bartoli
Feeling, caring, knowing: different types of empathy deficit in boys with psychopathic tendencies and autism spectrum disorder
AP Jones, FGE Happé, F Gilbert, S Burnett, E Viding
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51 (11), 1188-1197, 2010
Amygdala hypoactivity to fearful faces in boys with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits
AP Jones, KR Laurens, CM Herba, GJ Barker, E Viding
American Journal of Psychiatry 166 (1), 95-102, 2009
Heritability of antisocial behaviour at 9: Do callous‐unemotional traits matter?
E Viding, AP Jones, JF Paul, TE Moffitt, R Plomin
Developmental science 11 (1), 17-22, 2008
Size matters: Increased grey matter in boys with conduct problems and callous–unemotional traits
SA De Brito, A Mechelli, M Wilke, KR Laurens, AP Jones, GJ Barker, ...
Brain 132 (4), 843-852, 2009
Multi-informant predictors of social inclusion for students with autism spectrum disorders attending mainstream school
AP Jones, N Frederickson
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 40, 1094-1103, 2010
Inclusive provision options for pupils on the autistic spectrum
N Frederickson, AP Jones, J Lang
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 10 (2), 63-73, 2010
An agenda for best practice research on group singing, health, and well-being
GA Dingle, S Clift, S Finn, R Gilbert, JM Groarke, JY Irons, AJ Bartoli, ...
Music & Science 2, 2059204319861719, 2019
Quantitative genetic studies of antisocial behaviour
E Viding, H Larsson, AP Jones
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363 …, 2008
Maturation of the response of human fetal pancreatic expiants to glucose
BE Tuch, A Jones, JR Turtle
Diabetologia 28, 28-31, 1985
Heritable variations in gray matter concentration as a potential endophenotype for psychopathic traits
FV Rijsdijk, E Viding, S De Brito, M Forgiarini, A Mechelli, AP Jones, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 67 (4), 406-413, 2010
Histologic differentiation of human fetal pancreatic explants transplanted into nude mice
BE Tuch, ABP Ng, A Jones, JR Turtle
Diabetes 33 (12), 1180-1187, 1984
Measuring the impact of musical learning on cognitive, behavioural and socio-emotional wellbeing development in children
D Rose, A Jones Bartoli, P Heaton
Psychology of Music 47 (2), 284-303, 2019
Technostress, career commitment, satisfaction with life, and work-family interaction among workers in information and communication technologies
MS Carlotto, G Welter Wendt, AP Jones
Actualidades en Psicología 31 (122), 91-102, 2017
Profiling social, emotional and behavioural difficulties of children involved in direct and indirect bullying behaviours
H Smith, K Polenik, S Nakasita, AP Jones
Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Associated with Bullying and …, 2013
School nurses’ experiences in dealing with bullying situations among students
PL Pigozi, A Jones Bartoli
The Journal of School Nursing 32 (3), 177-185, 2016
What do you think you're looking at? Investigating social cognition in young offenders
AP Jones, AS Forster, D Skuse
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 17 (2), 101-106, 2007
The emergence of neuroscientific evidence on brain plasticity: Implications for educational practice.
P Rees, R Booth, A Jones
Educational and Child Psychology, 2016
Phenotypic and aetiological associations between psychopathic tendencies, autistic traits, and emotion attribution
AP Jones, H Larsson, A Ronald, F Rijsdijk, P Busfield, A Mcmillan, ...
Criminal Justice and Behavior 36 (11), 1198-1212, 2009
Development of an Offline-Friend Addiction Questionnaire (O-FAQ): Are most people really social addicts?
LP Satchell, D Fido, CA Harper, H Shaw, B Davidson, DA Ellis, CM Hart, ...
Behavior Research Methods 53, 1097-1106, 2021
Small, but not perfectly formed: decreased white matter concentration in boys with psychopathic tendencies
SA De Brito, EJ McCrory, A Mechelli, M Wilke, AP Jones, S Hodgins, ...
Molecular psychiatry 16 (5), 476-477, 2011
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