Aurelio Muttoni
Aurelio Muttoni
Professor of structural engineering, EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
確認したメール アドレス: epfl.ch - ホームページ
Punching shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs without transverse reinforcement
A Muttoni
ACI structural Journal 105 (4), 440-450, 2008
Shear strength of members without transverse reinforcement as function of critical shear crack width
A Muttoni, M Fernández Ruiz
ACI Structural Journal 105 (2), 163-172, 2008
Design of concrete structures with stress fields
A Muttoni, J Schwartz, B Thürlimann
Springer Science & Business Media, 1996
Punching tests of slabs with low reinforcement ratios
S Guandalini, O Burdet, A Muttoni
ACI Structural Journal 106 (1), 87-95, 2009
Applications of the critical shear crack theory to punching of R/C slabs with transverse reinforcement
M Fernández Ruiz, A Muttoni
ACI Structural Journal 106 (4), 485-494, 2009
Behavior of beams and punching in slabs without shear reinforcement
A Muttoni, J Schwartz
IABSE colloquium 62, 703-708, 1991
Strengthening of flat slabs against punching shear using post-installed shear reinforcement
M Fernández Ruiz, A Muttoni, J Kunz
ACI Structural Journal 107 (4), 434-442, 2010
Shear strength of concrete members without transverse reinforcement: A mechanical approach to consistently account for size and strain effects
MF Ruiz, A Muttoni, J Sagaseta
Engineering structures 99, 360-372, 2015
Experimental investigation on punching strength and deformation capacity of shear-reinforced slabs
S Lips, M Fernández Ruiz, A Muttoni
ACI Structural Journal 109 (6), 889-900, 2012
Shear failures in reinforced concrete members without transverse reinforcement: An analysis of the critical shear crack development on the basis of test results
F Cavagnis, MF Ruiz, A Muttoni
Engineering structures 103, 157-173, 2015
Analysis of shear-transfer actions on one-way RC members based on measured cracking pattern and failure kinematics
S Campana, M Fernández Ruiz, A Anastasi, A Muttoni
Magazine of concrete research 65 (6), 386-404, 2013
Post-punching behavior of flat slabs
M Fernández Ruiz, Y Mirzaei, A Muttoni
ACI Structural Journal 110, 801-812, 2013
Punching shear strength of steel fibre reinforced concrete slabs
LF Maya, MF Ruiz, A Muttoni, SJ Foster
Engineering Structures 40, 83-94, 2012
Schubfestigkeit und durchstanzen von platten ohne querkraftbewehrung
A Muttoni
Beton‐und Stahlbetonbau 98 (2), 74-84, 2003
An analysis of the shear‐transfer actions in reinforced concrete members without transverse reinforcement based on refined experimental measurements
F Cavagnis, M Fernández Ruiz, A Muttoni
Structural concrete 19 (1), 49-64, 2018
Assessing punching shear failure in reinforced concrete flat slabs subjected to localised impact loading
K Micallef, J Sagaseta, MF Ruiz, A Muttoni
International Journal of Impact Engineering 71, 17-33, 2014
Relationship between nonlinear creep and cracking of concrete under uniaxial compression
MF Ruiz, A Muttoni, PG Gambarova
Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 5 (3), 383-393, 2007
Punching of flat slabs supported on rectangular columns
J Sagaseta, L Tassinari, MF Ruiz, A Muttoni
Engineering Structures 77, 17-33, 2014
Non-axis-symmetrical punching shear around internal columns of RC slabs without transverse reinforcement
J Sagaseta, A Muttoni, MF Ruiz, L Tassinari
Magazine of Concrete Research 63 (6), 441-457, 2011
Derivation of the σ‐w relationship for SFRC from prism bending tests
A Amin, SJ Foster, A Muttoni
Structural Concrete 16 (1), 93-105, 2015
論文 1–20