Jeong hun Baek
Jeong hun Baek
Seoul National University
確認したメール アドレス: macrogen.com
What is wrong with scene text recognition model comparisons? dataset and model analysis
J Baek, G Kim, J Lee, S Park, D Han, S Yun, SJ Oh, H Lee
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
De novo assembly and phasing of a Korean human genome
JS Seo, A Rhie, J Kim, S Lee, MH Sohn, CU Kim, A Hastie, H Cao, JY Yun, ...
Nature 538 (7624), 243-247, 2016
On recognizing texts of arbitrary shapes with 2D self-attention
J Lee, S Park, J Baek, SJ Oh, S Kim, H Lee
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Whole genome and global gene expression analyses of the model mushroom Flammulina velutipes reveal a high capacity for lignocellulose degradation
YJ Park, JH Baek, S Lee, C Kim, H Rhee, H Kim, JS Seo, HR Park, ...
PloS one 9 (4), e93560, 2014
What if we only use real datasets for scene text recognition? toward scene text recognition with fewer labels
J Baek, Y Matsui, K Aizawa
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
Character region attention for text spotting
Y Baek, S Shin, J Baek, S Park, J Lee, D Nam, H Lee
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
Complete Genome Sequence of the Diesel-Degrading Acinetobacter sp. Strain DR1
J Jung, JH Baek, W Park
Journal of bacteriology 192 (18), 4794-4795, 2010
Rupture of benign thyroid tumors after radio-frequency ablation
JH Shin, SL Jung, JH Baek, J Kim
American journal of neuroradiology 32 (11), 2165-2169, 2011
Wernicke's encephalopathy after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
JH Baek, SK Sohn, DH Kim, JG Kim, HW Lee, SP Park, KB Lee
Bone marrow transplantation 35 (8), 829-830, 2005
Comparison between ultrasonography (Dermascan C version 3) and transparency profilometry (Skin Visiometer SV600)
HK Lee, YK Seo, JH Baek, JS Koh
Skin Research and Technology 14 (1), 8-12, 2008
25th annual computational neuroscience meeting: CNS-2016
TO Sharpee, A Destexhe, M Kawato, V Sekulić, FK Skinner, DK Wójcik, ...
BMC neuroscience 17, 1-112, 2016
Effects of steam introduction on deactivation of Fe-BEA catalyst in NH3-SCR of N2O and NO
JH Baek, SM Lee, JH Park, JM Jeong, RH Hwang, CH Ko, SG Jeon, ...
Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry 48, 194-201, 2017
Cleval: Character-level evaluation for text detection and recognition tasks
Y Baek, D Nam, S Park, J Lee, S Shin, J Baek, CY Lee, H Lee
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Coo: Comic onomatopoeia dataset for recognizing arbitrary or truncated texts
J Baek, Y Matsui, K Aizawa
European Conference on Computer Vision, 267-283, 2022
Genome assembly of the popular Korean soybean cultivar Hwangkeum
MS Kim, T Lee, J Baek, JH Kim, C Kim, SC Jeong
G3 11 (10), jkab272, 2021
The consuming tendency analysis of soybean paste market in Korea
JK Sun, JH Baek
Korean Journal of Food Marketing Economics 25 (3), 2008
Effect of acid treatment of Fe-BEA zeolite on catalytic N2O conversion
JM Jeong, JH Park, JH Baek, RH Hwang, SG Jeon, KB Yi
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 34, 81-86, 2017
The effect of on-line hemodiafiltration on heart rate variability in end-stage renal disease
KW Park, SK Bae, B Lee, JH Baek, JW Park, SJ Moon, SY Yoon
Kidney research and clinical practice 32 (3), 127-133, 2013
Enhanced catalytic activity of Cu/Zn catalyst by Ce addition for low temperature water gas shift reaction
CK Byun, HB Im, J Park, J Baek, J Jeong, WR Yoon, KB Yi
Clean Technology 21 (3), 200-206, 2015
A comparative study on job stress and job satisfaction of long-term care staffs for physically disabled seniors with rating 1 and for demented seniors with rating 3
JW Shin, JH Baek
한국노년학 31 (4), 1067-1081, 2011
論文 1–20