Md. Zahidul Islam
Md. Zahidul Islam
確認したメール アドレス: ubd.edu.bn
Organizational culture, structure, technology infrastructure and knowledge sharing: empirical evidence from MNCs based in Malaysia
MZ Islam, SM Jasimuddin, I Hasan
VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management 45 (1), 67-88, 2015
Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance Linkage: Evidence from the Banking Sector of Bangladesh
SU Ahmed, MZ Islam, I Hasan
Journal of Organizational Management 1 (1), 14-21, 2011
Organizational culture and knowledge sharing: Empirical evidence from service organizations
MZ Islam, MA Sylvana, H Ikramul, UA Sarwar
African Journal of Business Management 5 (14), 5900-5909, 2011
Intention to Use Advanced Mobile Phone Services (AMPS)
MZ Islam, PKC Low, I Hasan
Management Decision 51 (4), 8-8, 2013
Empirical assessment of factors influencing success of enterprise resource planning implementations
FF Nah, Z Islam, M Tan
Journal of Database Management 18 (4), 26, 2007
The future of work: work engagement and job performance in the hybrid workplace
MM Naqshbandi, I Kabir, NA Ishak, MZ Islam
The Learning Organization 31 (1), 5-26, 2024
Cultivation of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus flabellatus) on different substrates
MZ Islam, MH Rahman, F Hafiz
Int J Sustain Crop Prod 4 (1), 45-48, 2009
Team learning, top management support and new product development success
Z Islam, JA Doshi, H Mahtab, Z Ariffin Ahmad
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 2 (2), 238-260, 2009
The mediating effects of socialization on organizational contexts and knowledge sharing
MZ Islam
Institutional Investment and Corporate Social Performance: Linkage Towards Sustainable Development
I Ahmed, S. U., Islam, M. Z., Mahtab, H., and Hasan
Corporate Social responsibility and Environmental Management, 2014
The Role of Technology and Socialization in Linking Organizational Context and Knowledge Conversion: The Case of Malaysian Service Organizations
I Islam, M. Z., Jasimuddin, S.M. and Hasan
International Journal of Information Management 37 (5), 497-503, 2017
Influence of organizational culture on knowledge transfer: Evidence from the Government of Dubai
MH Rahman, IA Moonesar, MM Hossain, MZ Islam
Journal of Public Affairs 18 (1), e1696, 2018
Empirical investigation of the relationship between organizational factors and organizational commitment in service organizations
S Rahman, MZ Islam, AD Ahad Abdullah, WA Sumardi
Journal of Strategy and Management 11 (3), 418-431, 2018
Understanding factors affecting knowledge sharing: A proposed framework for Bangladesh’s business organizations
S Rahman, MZ Islam, ADA Abdullah
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 8 (3), 275-298, 2017
The role of knowledge management practices on organizational context and organizational effectiveness
MZ Islam, H Mahtab, ZA Ahmad
ABAC Journal 28 (1), 2008
Determinants that influence knowledge sharing: an integrated literature review
SM Islam, Md Zahidul, Jashimuddin, I Hasan
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 9 (4), 363-380, 2018
A comparative study of Azotobacter spp. from different soil samples
MZ Islam, DI Sharif, MA Hossain
J Soil Nat 2 (3), 16-19, 2008
Towards Understanding Knowledge Transfer: In Search of a Theoretical Construct
Z Islam, P Low, I Hasan
Global Education Journal 2012 (1), 142-159, 2012
Factors Affecting Knowledge Transfer in Public Organization Employees
MZ Islam, I Hasan, MH Rahman
Asian Social Science 11 (4), 223, 2015
Digital Transformation Management:Challenges and Futures in the Asian Digital Economy
MN Almunawar, MZ Islam, PO de Pablos
論文 1–20