John Willmer Escobar
John Willmer Escobar
その他の名前John Willmer Escobar Velásquez
Full Professor (Titular Professor) - Universidad del Valle
確認したメール アドレス: correounivalle.edu.co - ホームページ
A two-phase hybrid heuristic algorithm for the capacitated location-routing problem
JW Escobar, R Linfati, P Toth
Computers & operations research 40 (1), 70-79, 2013
A hybrid granular tabu search algorithm for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem
JW Escobar, R Linfati, P Toth, MG Baldoquin
Journal of Heuristics 20, 483-509, 2014
A granular variable tabu neighborhood search for the capacitated location-routing problem
JW Escobar, R Linfati, MG Baldoquin, P Toth
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 67, 344-356, 2014
The multi-depot electric vehicle location routing problem with time windows
J Paz, M Granada-Echeverri, JW Escobar
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 9 (1), 123-136, 2018
Gestión de Inventarios para distribuidores de productos perecederos
JW Escobar, R Linfati, W Adarme Jaimes
Revista Científica Ingeniería y Desarrollo 35 (1), 219-239, 2016
Robust design of a closed-loop supply chain under uncertainty conditions integrating financial criteria
A Polo, N Peña, D Muñoz, A Cañón, JW Escobar
Omega 88, 110-132, 2018
A multiobjective non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) for the Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem
R Bolaños, M Echeverry, JW Escobar
Decision Science Letters 4 (4), 559-568, 2015
A Multi-Objective Pareto ant colony algorithm for the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing problem with Backhauls
JJS Chávez, JW Escobar, MG Echeverri
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 7 (1), 35-48, 2016
Metodología para la toma de decisiones de inversión en portafolio de acciones utilizando la técnica multicriterio AHP
JW Escobar
Contaduría & Administración 60 (2), 346-366, 2015
A hybrid modeling approach for resilient agri-supply network design in emerging countries: Colombian coffee supply chain
N Clavijo-Buritica, L Triana-Sanchez, JW Escobar
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 85, 101431, 2023
Characterization of supply chain problems
RG García-Cáceres, JW Escobar
DYNA 83 (198), 68-78, 2016
A probabilistic granular tabu search for the distance constrained capacitated vehicle routing problem
J Bernal, JW Escobar, JC Paz, R Linfati, G Gatica
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 29 (4), 453-477, 2018
Un algoritmo metaheurístico basado en recocido simulado con espacio de búsqueda granular para el problema de localización y ruteo con restricciones de capacidad
JW Escobar, R Linfati
Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín 11 (21), 139-150, 2012
Rediseño de una red de distribución con variabilidad de demanda usando la metodología de escenarios
JW Escobar
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería UPTC 21 (32), 9-19, 2012
Optimización de una red de distribución con parámetros estocásticos usando la metodología de aproximación por promedios muestrales
JW Escobar, JJ Bravo, CJ Vidal
Ingeniería y Desarrollo 31 (1), 135-160, 2013
A mathematical model for the product mixing and lot-sizing problem by considering stochastic demand
DN Rodado, JW Escobar, R García-Cáceres, F Atencio
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 8 (2), 237-250, 2017
Redesign of a supply network by considering stochastic demand
J Paz, J Orozco, J Salinas, N Buriticá, JW Escobar
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 6 (4), 521-528, 2015
A metaheuristic algorithm for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem with heterogeneous fleet
R Bolaños, JW Escobar, MG Echeverri
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 9 (4), 461-478, 2018
Un algoritmo metaheurístico para el problema de localización y ruteo con flota heterogénea
R Linfati, JW Escobar, G Gatica
Ingeniería y Ciencia 10 (19), 55-76, 2014
Multi-objective mathematical model for the redesign of supply chains considering financial criteria optimisation and scenarios
JW Escobar, Arroyo-Marin A., L J.D.
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 16 (2), 238-256, 2020
論文 1–20