Laurent Bricteux
Laurent Bricteux
確認したメール アドレス: umons.ac.be - ホームページ
Assessment of RANS and improved near-wall modeling for forced convection at low Prandtl numbers based on LES up to Reτ= 2000
M Duponcheel, L Bricteux, M Manconi, G Winckelmans, Y Bartosiewicz
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 75, 470-482, 2014
Implicit LES of free and wall-bounded turbulent flows based on the discontinuous Galerkin/symmetric interior penalty method
CC de Wiart, K Hillewaert, L Bricteux, G Winckelmans
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 78 (6), 335–354, 0
Pulsed 1.5-m LIDAR for Axial Aircraft Wake Vortex Detection Based on High-Brightness Large-Core Fiber Amplifier
A Dolfi-Bouteyre, G Canat, M Valla, B Augere, C Besson, D Goular, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 15 (2), 441-450, 2009
Direct and large eddy simulation of turbulent heat transfer at very low Prandtl number: Application to lead–bismuth flows
L Bricteux, M Duponcheel, G Winckelmans, I Tiselj, Y Bartosiewicz
Nuclear engineering and design 246, 91-97, 2012
Coupled WRF-OpenFOAM study of wind flow over complex terrain
O Temel, L Bricteux, J van Beeck
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 174, 152-169, 2018
Aircraft vortices in stably stratified and weakly turbulent atmospheres: Simulation and modeling
I De Visscher, L Bricteux, G Winckelmans
AIAA journal 51 (3), 551-566, 2013
Large-eddy simulation of wind turbines wakes including geometrical effects
P Bénard, A Viré, V Moureau, G Lartigue, L Beaudet, P Deglaire, ...
Computers & Fluids 173, 133-139, 2018
A multiscale subgrid model for both free vortex flows and wall-bounded flows
L Bricteux, M Duponcheel, G Winckelmans
Physics of Fluids 21 (10), 2009
Large Eddy Simulation of rich ammonia/hydrogen/air combustion in a gas turbine burner
K Bioche, L Bricteux, A Bertolino, A Parente, J Blondeau
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (79), 39548-39562, 2021
Scale dependence and asymptotic very high Reynolds number spectral behavior of multiscale subgrid models
R Cocle, L Bricteux, G Winckelmans
Physics of Fluids 21 (8), 2009
Investigation of the effect of inflow turbulence on vertical axis wind turbine wakes
P Chatelain, M Duponcheel, S Zeoli, S Buffin, DG Caprace, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 854 (1), 012011, 2017
Carbon capture on micro gas turbine cycles: Assessment of the performance on dry and wet operations
S Giorgetti, L Bricteux, A Parente, J Blondeau, F Contino, W De Paepe
Applied Energy 207, 243-253, 2017
The WAKE4D simulation platform for predicting aircraft wake vortex transport and decay: Description and examples of application
I De Visscher, G Winckelmans, T Lonfils, L Bricteux, M Duponcheel, ...
AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Conference, 7994, 2010
Aircraft wake vortex study and characterization with 1.5 µm fiber Doppler lidar
A Dolfi-Bouteyre, B Augere, M Valla, D Goular, D Fleury, G Canat, ...
Aerospace Lab, p. 1-13, 2009
Can water dilution avoid flashback on a hydrogen-enriched micro-gas turbine combustion?—a large eddy simulations study
A Pappa, L Bricteux, P Bénard, W De Paepe
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 143 (4), 041008, 2021
Reducing waste heat to the minimum: Thermodynamic assessment of the M-power cycle concept applied to micro Gas Turbines
W De Paepe, A Pappa, MM Carrero, L Bricteux, F Contino
Applied Energy 279, 115898, 2020
RANS closures for non-neutral microscale CFD simulations sustained with inflow conditions acquired from mesoscale simulations
O Temel, S Porchetta, L Bricteux, J van Beeck
Applied Mathematical Modelling 53, 635-652, 2018
Development of wake meandering detection algorithms and their application to large eddy simulations of an isolated wind turbine and a wind farm
N Coudou, M Moens, Y Marichal, J Van Beeck, L Bricteux, P Chatelain
Journal of physics: Conference series 1037 (7), 072024, 2018
Surrogate-assisted modeling and robust optimization of a micro gas turbine plant with carbon capture
S Giorgetti, D Coppitters, F Contino, WD Paepe, L Bricteux, G Aversano, ...
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 142 (1), 011010, 2020
Crosswind thresholds supporting wake‐vortex‐free corridors for departing aircraft
K Dengler, F Holzäpfel, T Gerz, A Wiegele, I De Visscher, G Winckelmans, ...
Meteorological Applications 19 (3), 289-301, 2012
論文 1–20