Arman Eshaghi
Deep gray matter volume loss drives disability worsening in multiple sclerosis
A Eshaghi, F Prados, WJ Brownlee, DR Altmann, C Tur, MJ Cardoso, ...
Annals of neurology 83 (2), 210-222, 2018
Progression of regional grey matter atrophy in multiple sclerosis
A Eshaghi, RV Marinescu, AL Young, NC Firth, F Prados, ...
Brain 141 (6), 1665-1677, 2018
Identifying multiple sclerosis subtypes using unsupervised machine learning and MRI data
A Eshaghi, AL Young, PA Wijeratne, F Prados, DL Arnold, S Narayanan, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2078, 2021
Early imaging predictors of long-term outcomes in relapse-onset multiple sclerosis
WJ Brownlee, DR Altmann, F Prados, KA Miszkiel, A Eshaghi, ...
Brain 142 (8), 2276-2287, 2019
KJ Gorgolewski, O Esteban, CJ Markiewicz, E Ziegler, DG Ellis, MP Notter, ...
Software, 2018
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy: a review of the neuroimaging features and differential diagnosis
MA Sahraian, EW Radue, A Eshaghi, S Besliu, A Minagar
European Journal of Neurology 19 (8), 1060-1069, 2012
Longitudinal assessment of multiple sclerosis with the brain‐age paradigm
JH Cole, J Raffel, T Friede, A Eshaghi, WJ Brownlee, D Chard, ...
Annals of neurology 88 (1), 93-105, 2020
Role of MRI in diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis
MA Sahraian, A Eshaghi
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery 112 (7), 609-615, 2010
Validity and reliability of a Persian translation of the Minimal Assessment of Cognitive Function in Multiple Sclerosis (MACFIMS)
A Eshaghi, S Riyahi-Alam, T Roostaei, G Haeri, A Aghsaei, MR Aidi, ...
The Clinical Neuropsychologist 26 (6), 975-984, 2012
Gray matter MRI differentiates neuromyelitis optica from multiple sclerosis using random forest
A Eshaghi, V Wottschel, R Cortese, M Calabrese, MA Sahraian, ...
Neurology 87 (23), 2463-2470, 2016
Temporal and spatial evolution of grey matter atrophy in primary progressive multiple sclerosis
A Eshaghi, B Bodini, GR Ridgway, D García-Lorenzo, DJ Tozer, ...
Neuroimage 86, 257-264, 2014
The alzheimer's disease prediction of longitudinal evolution (TADPOLE) challenge: Results after 1 year follow-up
RV Marinescu, NP Oxtoby, AL Young, EE Bron, AW Toga, MW Weiner, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.03419, 2020
DIVE: A spatiotemporal progression model of brain pathology in neurodegenerative disorders
RV Marinescu, A Eshaghi, M Lorenzi, AL Young, NP Oxtoby, S Garbarino, ...
NeuroImage 192, 166-177, 2019
BrainPainter: A software for the visualisation of brain structures, biomarkers and associated pathological processes
RV Marinescu, A Eshaghi, DC Alexander, P Golland
Multimodal Brain Image Analysis and Mathematical Foundations of …, 2019
nipy/nipype: 1.8. 3
O Esteban, CJ Markiewicz, C Burns, M Goncalves, D Jarecka, E Ziegler, ...
Zenodo https://doi. org/10 5281, 2022
Classification algorithms with multi-modal data fusion could accurately distinguish neuromyelitis optica from multiple sclerosis
A Eshaghi, S Riyahi-Alam, R Saeedi, T Roostaei, A Nazeri, A Aghsaei, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 7, 306-314, 2015
Pathologic correlates of the magnetization transfer ratio in multiple sclerosis
M Moccia, S van de Pavert, A Eshaghi, L Haider, J Pichat, M Yiannakas, ...
Neurology 95 (22), e2965-e2976, 2020
pySuStaIn: a Python implementation of the Subtype and Stage Inference algorithm
LM Aksman, PA Wijeratne, NP Oxtoby, A Eshaghi, C Shand, A Altmann, ...
SoftwareX 16, 100811, 2021
Predicting disability progression and cognitive worsening in multiple sclerosis using patterns of grey matter volumes
E Colato, J Stutters, C Tur, S Narayanan, DL Arnold, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 92 (9), 995-1006, 2021
Staging and stratifying cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis
C Wojcik, TA Fuchs, H Tran, MG Dwyer, D Jakimovski, M Unverdi, ...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 28 (3), 463-471, 2022
論文 1–20