Steffen Hurka
Policy accumulation and the democratic responsiveness trap
C Adam, S Hurka, C Knill, Y Steinebach
Cambridge University Press, 2019
On the road to permissiveness?: Change and convergence of moral regulation in Europe
C Knill, C Adam, S Hurka
Oxford University Press, 2015
Introducing Vertical Policy Coordination to Comparative Policy Analysis: The Missing Link Between Policy Production and Implementation
C Adam, S Hurka, C Knill, BG Peters, Y Steinebach
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 21 (5), 499-517, 2019
Framing and policy change after shooting rampages: a comparative analysis of discourse networks
S Hurka, K Nebel
Journal of European Public Policy 20 (3), 390-406, 2013
Partisan effects in morality policy making
E Budde, S Heichel, S Hurka, C Knill
European Journal of Political Research 57 (2), 427-449, 2017
Report allocation in the European Parliament after eastern enlargement
S Hurka, M Kaeding
Journal of European Public Policy 19 (4), 512-529, 2012
Four styles of regulation and their implications for comparative policy analysis
C Adam, S Hurka, C Knill
Institutions and Governance in Comparative Policy Analysis Studies, 415-432, 2020
Systemic Dynamics of Policy Change: Overcoming Some Blind Spots of Punctuated Equilibrium Theory
X Fernández-i-Marín, S Hurka, C Knill, Y Steinebach
Policy Studies Journal 50 (3), 527-552, 2022
Learning on the job? EU enlargement and the assignment of (shadow) rapporteurships in the European Parliament
S Hurka, M Kaeding, L Obholzer
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 53 (6), 1230-1247, 2015
Policy complexity and legislative duration in the European Union
S Hurka, M Haag
European Union Politics 21 (1), 87-108, 2020
Four worlds of morality politics: the impact of institutional venues and party cleavages
S Hurka, C Knill, L Rivière
West European Politics 41 (2), 428-447, 2018
Is morality policy different? Testing sectoral and institutional explanations of policy change
S Hurka, C Adam, C Knill
Policy Studies Journal 45 (4), 688-712, 2017
Does regulation matter? A cross‐national analysis of the impact of gun policies on homicide and suicide rates
S Hurka, C Knill
Regulation & Governance 14 (4), 787-803, 2020
Changing the output: The logic of amendment success in the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee
S Hurka
European Union Politics 14 (2), 273-296, 2013
Policy complexity in the European Union, 1993-today: introducing the EUPLEX dataset
S Hurka, M Haag, C Kaplaner
Journal of European Public Policy 29 (9), 1512-1527, 2022
Static and dynamic incentives for Twitter usage in the European Parliament
WT Daniel, L Obholzer, S Hurka
Party Politics 25 (6), 771-781, 2019
Legal Instrument Choice in the European Union
S Hurka, Y Steinebach
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 59 (2), 278-296, 2021
When time is money: sideline jobs, ancillary income and legislative effort
S Hurka, L Obholzer, WT Daniel
Journal of European Public Policy 25 (5), 651-669, 2018
Abortion: finding the impossible compromise
K Nebel, S Hurka
On the Road to Permissiveness?: Change and Convergence of Moral Regulation …, 2015
On democratic intelligence and failure: The vice and virtue of incrementalism under political fragmentation and policy accumulation
C Adam, S Hurka, C Knill, Y Steinebach
Governance 35 (2), 525-543, 2022
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