Tongning Wu 巫彤宁
Tongning Wu 巫彤宁
China Academy of Information and Communications Technology
確認したメール アドレス: caict.ac.cn
Chinese adult anatomical models and the application in evaluation of RF exposures
T Wu, L Tan, Q Shao, C Zhang, C Zhao, Y Li, E Conil, A Hadjem, J Wiart, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 56 (7), 2075, 2011
Whole-body new-born and young rats' exposure assessment in a reverberating chamber operating at 2.4 GHz
T Wu, A Hadjem, MF Wong, A Gati, O Picon, J Wiart
Physics in Medicine & Biology 55 (6), 1619, 2010
Reduced prefrontal activation during a verbal fluency task in Chinese-speaking patients with schizophrenia as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy
W Quan, T Wu, Z Li, Y Wang, W Dong, B Lv
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 58, 51-58, 2015
The alteration of spontaneous low frequency oscillations caused by acute electromagnetic fields exposure
B Lv, Z Chen, T Wu, Q Shao, D Yan, L Ma, K Lu, Y Xie
Clinical Neurophysiology 125 (2), 277-286, 2014
Effects of stimulus mode and ambient temperature on cerebral responses to local thermal stimulation: An EEG study
B Lv, C Su, L Yang, T Wu
International Journal of Psychophysiology 113, 17-22, 2017
In utero and early‐life exposure of rats to a Wi‐Fi signal: Screening of immune markers in sera and gestational outcome
S Aït‐Aïssa, B Billaudel, F Poulletier de Gannes, G Ruffié, S Duleu, ...
Bioelectromagnetics 33 (5), 410-420, 2012
Long-Term Evolution Electromagnetic Fields Exposure Modulates the Resting State EEG on Alpha and Beta Bands
L Yang, Q Chen, B Lv, T Wu
Clin EEG and Neuroscience, 2016
Evaluation of different classification methods for the diagnosis of schizophrenia based on functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Z Li, Y Wang, W Quan, T Wu, B Lv
Journal of neuroscience methods 241, 101-110, 2015
Long-term monitoring of extremely low frequency magnetic fields in electric vehicles
L Yang, M Lu, J Lin, C Li, C Zhang, Z Lai, T Wu
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (19), 3765, 2019
A large-scale measurement of electromagnetic fields near GSM base stations in Guangxi, China for risk communication
T Wu, Q Shao, L Yang, D Qi, J Lin, X Lin, Z Yu
Radiation protection dosimetry 155 (1), 25-31, 2013
Generation of infant anatomical models for evaluating electromagnetic field exposures
C Li, Z Chen, L Yang, B Lv, J Liu, N Varsier, A Hadjem, J Wiart, Y Xie, ...
Bioelectromagnetics 36 (1), 10-26, 2015
Attention Mask R‐CNN with edge refinement algorithm for identifying circulating genetically abnormal cells
X Xu, C Li, X Fan, X Lan, X Lu, X Ye, T Wu
Cytometry Part A 103 (3), 227-239, 2023
Creation of a female and male segmentation dataset based on Chinese Visible Human (CVH)
Y Wu, LW Tan, Y Li, BJ Fang, B Xie, TN Wu, QY Li, MG Qiu, GJ Liu, K Li, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 36 (4), 336-342, 2012
Simplified segmented human models for whole body and localised SAR evaluation of 20 MHz to 6 GHz electromagnetic field exposures
T Wu, Q Shao, L Yang
Radiation protection dosimetry 153 (3), 266-272, 2013
A lightweight and robust framework for circulating genetically abnormal cells (CACs) identification using 4-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) image and deep …
X Xu, C Li, X Lan, X Fan, X Lv, X Ye, T Wu
Journal of Digital Imaging 36 (4), 1687-1700, 2023
Dosimetry of infant exposure to power‐frequency magnetic fields: Variation of 99th percentile induced electric field value by posture and skin‐to‐skin contact
C Li, T Wu
Bioelectromagnetics 36 (3), 204-218, 2015
Classification of schizophrenia by seed-based functional connectivity using prefronto-temporal functional near infrared spectroscopy
X Ji, W Quan, L Yang, J Chen, J Wang, T Wu
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 344, 108874, 2020
DCSegNet: Deep learning framework based on divide-and-conquer method for liver segmentation
C Li, G Yao, X Xu, L Yang, Y Zhang, T Wu, J Sun
IEEE Access 8, 146838-146846, 2020
Slice-based supine to standing postured deformation for Chinese anatomical models and the dosimetric results by wide band frequency electromagnetic field exposure: morphing
T Wu, L Tan, Q Shao, Y Li, L Yang, C Zhao, Y Xie, S Zhang
Radiation protection dosimetry 154 (1), 26-30, 2013
3D liver and tumor segmentation with CNNs based on region and distance metrics
Y Zhang, X Pan, C Li, T Wu
Applied Sciences 10 (11), 3794, 2020
論文 1–20