Christian Engwer
Christian Engwer
確認したメール アドレス: uni-muenster.de - ホームページ
A generic grid interface for parallel and adaptive scientific computing. Part II: implementation and tests in DUNE
P Bastian, M Blatt, A Dedner, C Engwer, R Klöfkorn, R Kornhuber, ...
Computing 82, 121-138, 2008
A generic grid interface for parallel and adaptive scientific computing. Part I: abstract framework
P Bastian, M Blatt, A Dedner, C Engwer, R Klöfkorn, M Ohlberger, ...
Computing 82, 103-119, 2008
An unfitted finite element method using discontinuous Galerkin
P Bastian, C Engwer
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 79 (12), 1557-1576, 2009
The Dune framework: Basic concepts and recent developments
P Bastian, M Blatt, A Dedner, NA Dreier, C Engwer, R Fritze, C Gräser, ...
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 81, 75-112, 2021
The distributed and unified numerics environment, version 2.4
M Blatt, A Burchardt, A Dedner, C Engwer, J Fahlke, B Flemisch, ...
Archive of Numerical Software 4 (100), 13-29, 2016
Glioma follow white matter tracts: a multiscale DTI-based model
C Engwer, T Hillen, M Knappitsch, C Surulescu
Journal of mathematical biology 71, 551-582, 2015
Simple and fast spectral domain algorithm for quantitative phase imaging of living cells with digital holographic microscopy
J Min, B Yao, S Ketelhut, C Engwer, B Greve, B Kemper
Optics Letters 42 (2), 227-230, 2017
A comprehensive study on electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography sensitivity to cortical and subcortical sources
MC Piastra, A Nüßing, J Vorwerk, M Clerc, C Engwer, CH Wolters
Human Brain Mapping 42 (4), 978-992, 2021
A discontinuous Galerkin method to solve the EEG forward problem using the subtraction approach
C Engwer, J Vorwerk, J Ludewig, CH Wolters
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (1), B138-B164, 2017
A multiscale model for glioma spread including cell-tissue interactions and proliferation
C Engwer, M Knappitsch, C Surulescu
Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering 13 (2), 443-460, 2015
An unfitted interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method for incompressible Navier–Stokes two‐phase flow
F Heimann, C Engwer, O Ippisch, P Bastian
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 71 (3), 269-293, 2013
Efficient implementation of the localized orthogonal decomposition method
C Engwer, P Henning, A Målqvist, D Peterseim
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 350, 123-153, 2019
Effective equations for anisotropic glioma spread with proliferation: a multiscale approach and comparisons with previous settings
C Engwer, A Hunt, C Surulescu
Mathematical medicine and biology: a journal of the IMA 33 (4), 435-459, 2016
The distributed and unified numerics environment (DUNE)
P Bastian, M Blatt, C Engwer, A Dedner, R Klöfkorn, SP Kuttanikkad, ...
Proc. of the 19th Symposium on Simulation Technique, 2006
Towards a unified framework for scientific computing
P Bastian, M Droske, C Engwer, R Klöfkorn, T Neubauer, M Ohlberger, ...
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering, 167-174, 2005
DUNEuro—A software toolbox for forward modeling in bioelectromagnetism
S Schrader, A Westhoff, MC Piastra, T Miinalainen, S Pursiainen, ...
PloS one 16 (6), e0252431, 2021
Influence of cell shape, inhomogeneities and diffusion barriers in cell polarization models
W Giese, M Eigel, S Westerheide, C Engwer, E Klipp
Physical biology 12 (6), 066014, 2015
The discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for solving the MEG and the combined MEG/EEG forward problem
MC Piastra, A Nüßing, J Vorwerk, H Bornfleth, R Oostenveld, C Engwer, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 12, 30, 2018
A realistic, accurate and fast source modeling approach for the EEG forward problem
T Miinalainen, A Rezaei, D Us, A Nüßing, C Engwer, CH Wolters, ...
NeuroImage 184, 56-67, 2019
A mixed finite element method to solve the EEG forward problem
J Vorwerk, C Engwer, S Pursiainen, CH Wolters
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 36 (4), 930-941, 2016
論文 1–20