Andrew Crampton
A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classification to identify the presence of pores in powder bed fusion images
MA Ansari, A Crampton, R Garrard, B Cai, M Attallah
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 120 (7), 5133 …, 2022
The application of automated planning to machine tool calibration
S Parkinson, A Longstaff, A Crampton, P Gregory
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2012
Password policy characteristics and keystroke biometric authentication
S Parkinson, S Khan, A Crampton, Q Xu, W Xie, N Liu, K Dakin
IET Biometrics 10 (2), 163-178, 2021
Detecting and approximating fault lines from randomly scattered data
A Crampton, JC Mason
Numerical Algorithms 39, 115-130, 2005
Thermal brake judder investigations using a high speed dynamometer
D Bryant, J Fieldhouse, A Crampton, C Talbot, J Layfield
SAE Technical Paper, 2008
Ascol: A tool for improving automatic planning domain model acquisition
R Jilani, A Crampton, D Kitchin, M Vallati
AI* IA 2015 Advances in Artificial Intelligence: XIVth International …, 2015
A layer-wise surface deformation defect detection by convolutional neural networks in laser powder-bed fusion images
MA Ansari, A Crampton, S Parkinson
Materials 15 (20), 7166, 2022
Classifying ransomware using machine learning algorithms
S Egunjobi, S Parkinson, A Crampton
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning–IDEAL 2019: 20th …, 2019
Monte-carlo planning for pathfinding in real-time strategy games
M Naveed, DE Kitchin, A Crampton
PlanSIG, 2010
Automatic planning for machine tool calibration: A case study
S Parkinson, AP Longstaff, S Fletcher, A Crampton, P Gregory
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (13), 11367-11377, 2012
Robust data expansion for optimised modelling using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems
SMJ Mubarak, A Crampton, J Carter, S Parkinson
Expert Systems with Applications 189, 116138, 2022
GraphBAD: A general technique for anomaly detection in security information and event management
S Parkinson, M Vallati, A Crampton, S Sohrabi
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 30 (16), e4433, 2018
Novel intrusion detection mechanism with low overhead for SCADA systems
L Maglaras, H Janicke, J Jiang, A Crampton
Securing the internet of things: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and …, 2020
Automated knowledge engineering tools in planning: state-of-the-art and future challenges
R Jilani, A Crampton, DE Kitchin, M Vallati
Application of the pseudo-spectral method to 2D eigenvalue problems in elasticity
CJ Talbot, A Crampton
Numerical Algorithms 38, 95-110, 2005
A monte-carlo path planner for dynamic and partially observable environments
M Naveed, D Kitchin, A Crampton, L Chrpa, P Gregory
2012 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), 211-218, 2012
Guide to vulnerability analysis for computer networks and systems
S Parkinson, A Crampton, R Hill
Computer Communications and Networks, 211-234, 2018
Laurent-Padé approximants to four kinds of Chebyshev polynomial expansions. Part II: Clenshaw-Lord type approximants
JC Mason, A Crampton
Numerical Algorithms 38, 19-29, 2005
Identification of irregularities and allocation suggestion of relative file system permissions
S Parkinson, A Crampton
Journal of information security and applications 30, 27-39, 2016
Real-time path planning using a simulation-based Markov decision process
M Naveed, A Crampton, D Kitchin, L McCluskey
International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of …, 2011
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