オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Dan Bolton詳細
一般には非公開: 1 件
Patient-aligned care team engagement to connect veterans experiencing homelessness with appropriate health care
AV Gundlapalli, A Redd, D Bolton, ME Vanneman, ME Carter, E Johnson, ...
Medical Care 55, S104-S110, 2017
委任: US Department of Veterans Affairs
一般公開: 6 件
Automating quality measures for heart failure using natural language processing: a descriptive study in the Department of Veterans Affairs
JH Garvin, Y Kim, GT Gobbel, ME Matheny, A Redd, BE Bray, ...
JMIR medical informatics 6 (1), e9150, 2018
委任: US Department of Veterans Affairs
Extraction of left ventricular ejection fraction information from various types of clinical reports
Y Kim, JH Garvin, MK Goldstein, TS Hwang, A Redd, D Bolton, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 67, 42-48, 2017
委任: US Department of Veterans Affairs
Linkage between Utah all payers claims database and central cancer registry
JH Garvin, KA Herget, M Hashibe, AC Kirchhoff, CW Hawley, D Bolton, ...
Health Services Research 54 (3), 707, 2019
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Epinome-a novel workbench for epidemic investigation and analysis of search strategies in public health practice
Y Livnat, P Gesteland, J Benuzillo, W Pettey, D Bolton, F Drews, H Kramer, ...
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2010, 647, 2010
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Feasibility of capturing cancer treatment data in the Utah all-payer claims database
M Hashibe, JY Ou, K Herget, D Bolton, J McPherson, C Hawley, J Garvin, ...
JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 3, 1-10, 2019
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Stakeholder Engagement for a Planned Automated Quality Measurement System
M Kalsy, N Kelly, SM Meystre, Y Kim, BE Bray, D Bolton, MK Goldstein, ...
SAGE Open 10 (2), 2158244020919459, 2020
委任: US Department of Veterans Affairs
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