オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Michael Grothe-Hammer詳細
一般には非公開: 2 件
Organization without actorhood: Exploring a neglected phenomenon
M Grothe-Hammer
European Management Journal 37 (3), 325-338, 2019
委任: German Research Foundation
Preparing for the field by topics: A systems theory inspired strategy for improving social access
M Grothe‐Hammer
Systems Research and Behavioral Science 34 (1), 41-50, 2017
委任: German Research Foundation
一般公開: 7 件
From high-reliability organizations to high-reliability networks: the dynamics of network governance in the face of emergency
O Berthod, M Grothe-Hammer, G Müller-Seitz, J Raab, J Sydow
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 27 (2), 352-371, 2017
委任: German Research Foundation
Network ethnography: A mixed-method approach for the study of practices in interorganizational settings
O Berthod, M Grothe-Hammer, J Sydow
Organizational Research Methods 20 (2), 299-323, 2017
委任: German Research Foundation
The programming of decisions for disaster and emergency response: A Luhmannian approach
M Grothe-Hammer, O Berthod
Current Sociology 65 (5), 735-755, 2017
委任: German Research Foundation
Membership or Contributorship? Managing the Inclusion of Individuals into Organizations
M Grothe-Hammer
Organization outside Organizations: The Abundance of Partial Organization in …, 2019
委任: German Research Foundation
From play to pay: a multifunctional approach to the role of culture in post-merger integration
A Sales, S Roth, M Grothe-Hammer, R Azambuja
Management Decision 60 (7), 1922-1946, 2022
委任: Research Council of Lithuania
Managing resource transposition in the face of extreme events: Fieldwork at two public networks in Germany and the US
O Berthod, M Grothe‐Hammer, R Hagen, J Sydow
Public Administration 99 (1), 171-188, 2021
委任: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
„Du passt auf, dass der Irre pünktlich fertig wird.“Zum Machtgleichgewicht zwischen Regie und Produktionsleitung in Filmprojekten “You watch, that the maniac finishes in time …
M Grothe-Hammer
SCM Studies in Communication and Media 4 (3), 189-247, 2015
委任: German Research Foundation
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