オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Suzan Wopereis詳細
一般には非公開: 1 件
Effect of a whey protein drink enriched with leucine and vitamin D on lean mass and glycemic control during a lifestyle intervention in obese older adults with (pre-) diabetes …
R Memelink, W Pasman, A Bongers, A Tump, A van Ginkel, W Tromp, ...
Clinical Nutrition 37, S216-S217, 2018
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
一般公開: 19 件
Mass-spectrometry-based metabolomics: limitations and recommendations for future progress with particular focus on nutrition research
A Scalbert, L Brennan, O Fiehn, T Hankemeier, BS Kristal, B van Ommen, ...
Metabolomics 5, 435-458, 2009
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Lifestyle recommendations for the prevention and management of metabolic syndrome: an international panel recommendation
P Pérez-Martínez, DP Mikhailidis, VG Athyros, M Bullo, P Couture, ...
Nutrition reviews 75 (5), 307-326, 2017
委任: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
A common mutation in the COG7 gene with a consistent phenotype including microcephaly, adducted thumbs, growth retardation, VSD and episodes of hyperthermia
E Morava, R Zeevaert, E Korsch, K Huijben, S Wopereis, G Matthijs, ...
European Journal of Human Genetics 15 (6), 638-645, 2007
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
The insulin resistance phenotype (muscle or liver) interacts with the type of diet to determine changes in disposition index after 2 years of intervention: the CORDIOPREV-DIAB …
R Blanco-Rojo, JF Alcala-Diaz, S Wopereis, P Perez-Martinez, ...
Diabetologia 59, 67-76, 2016
委任: Government of Spain
From lifespan to healthspan: the role of nutrition in healthy ageing
K Wickramasinghe, JC Mathers, S Wopereis, DS Marsman, JC Griffiths
Journal of nutritional science 9, e33, 2020
委任: UK Medical Research Council
Plasma metabolome analysis identifies distinct human metabotypes in the postprandial state with different susceptibility to weight loss–mediated metabolic improvements
J Fiamoncini, M Rundle, H Gibbons, EL Thomas, K Geillinger-Kästle, ...
FASEB Journal 32 (10), 5447-5458, 2018
委任: National Institute for Health Research, UK
The Micronutrient Genomics Project: a community-driven knowledge base for micronutrient research
B van Ommen, A El-Sohemy, J Hesketh, J Kaput, M Fenech, CT Evelo, ...
Genes & nutrition 5, 285-296, 2010
委任: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Effect of an enriched protein drink on muscle mass and glycemic control during combined lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes: a double-blind RCT
RG Memelink, WJ Pasman, A Bongers, A Tump, A van Ginkel, W Tromp, ...
Nutrients 13 (1), 64, 2020
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Plasma and liver lipidomics response to an intervention of rimonabant in ApoE* 3Leiden. CETP transgenic mice
C Hu, H Wei, AM van den Hoek, M Wang, R van der Heijden, G Spijksma, ...
PLoS One 6 (5), e19423, 2011
委任: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Obese older type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with muscle insulin resistance benefit from an enriched protein drink during combined lifestyle intervention: the probe study
WJ Pasman, RG Memelink, J de Vogel-Van den Bosch, ...
Nutrients 12 (10), 2979, 2020
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Plasma metabolic signatures of healthy overweight subjects challenged with an oral glucose tolerance test
J Fiamoncini, CM Donado-Pestana, GBS Duarte, M Rundle, EL Thomas, ...
Frontiers in Nutrition 9, 898782, 2022
委任: Wellcome Trust
Improving selection of markers in nutrition research: evaluation of the criteria proposed by the ILSI Europe Marker Validation Initiative
PC Calder, A Boobis, D Braun, CL Champ, L Dye, S Einöther, A Greyling, ...
Nutrition Research Reviews 30 (1), 73-81, 2017
委任: UK Medical Research Council
The effect of a combined lifestyle intervention with and without protein drink on inflammation in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes
RG Memelink, R Njemini, MJJ de Bos Kuil, S Wopereis, ...
Experimental gerontology 190, 112410, 2024
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Diet-induced weight loss and phenotypic flexibility among healthy overweight adults: a randomized trial
M Rundle, J Fiamoncini, EL Thomas, S Wopereis, LA Afman, L Brennan, ...
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 118 (3), 591-604, 2023
委任: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Long‐term preservation of lean mass and sustained loss of fat mass after completion of an intensive lifestyle intervention in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes
RG Memelink, A Hijlkema, B Valentin, MT Streppel, WJ Pasman, ...
Lifestyle Medicine 5 (3), e2103, 2024
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Associations between circulating lipids and fat-soluble vitamins and carotenoids in healthy overweight and obese men
JM Kelly, G Matuszek, TJ van Den Broek, GS Huggins, CE Smith, ...
Current Developments in Nutrition 4 (6), nzaa089, 2020
委任: US Department of Agriculture
The association of physical activity, heart rate and sleep from an activity tracker with weight loss during a 6-month personalized combined lifestyle intervention: a …
CIR Braem, WJ Pasman, TJ van den Broek, MPM Caspers, F Jagers, ...
BMC Digital Health 3 (1), 8, 2025
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Effects of a 12-week whole-grain or refined wheat intervention on plasma acylcarnitines, bile acids and signaling lipids, and association with liver fat: A post-hoc …
A Gijbels, S Schutte, D Esser, S Wopereis, GB Gonzales, LA Afman
Frontiers in Nutrition 9, 1026213, 2022
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
JE Oosterman, A Kalsbeek, SE la Fleur, DD Belsham
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 308 (5), R337-R350, 2015
委任: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
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