Andy Morris
Andy Morris
確認したメール アドレス: edfenergy.com
Evaluating surface deformation and near surface strain hardening resulting from shot peening a tempered martensitic steel and application to low cycle fatigue
KA Soady, BG Mellor, GD West, G Harrison, A Morris, PAS Reed
International Journal of Fatigue 54, 106-117, 2013
A review of methods to measure creep damage in low-alloy steel power-station steam pipes
C Maharaj, A Morris, JP Dear
Strain 45 (4), 2009
Comparative assessment of several creep damage models for use in life prediction
JP Rouse, W Sun, TH Hyde, A Morris
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 108, 81-87, 2013
The Effect of Shot peening on Notched Low Cycle Fatigue
KA Soady, BG Mellor, J Shackleton, A Morris, PAS Reed
Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011
The Role of Small Specimen Creep Testing within a Life Assessment Framework for High Temperature Power Plant
A Morris, B Cacciapuoti, W Sun
International Materials Reviews 63, 102-137, 2018
Investigating the impact of non‐linear geometrical effects on wind turbine blades—part 1: current status of design and test methods and future challenges in design optimization
FM Jensen, AS Puri, JP Dear, K Branner, A Morris
Wind Energy 14 (2), 239-254, 2011
The Effects of Shot Peening on Short Crack Growth Rate and Resulting Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour in a Low Pressure Turbine Blade Material
B He, KA Soady, BG Mellor, PAS Reed, A Morris
Material Science and Technology, 2013
High temperature steam pipelines – Development of the ARCMAC Creep Monitoring System
A Morris, JP Dear, M Kourmpetis
Strain 42, 181-185, 2006
Modelling of creep in Inconel 706 turbine disc fir-tree
C Maharaj, A Morris, JP Dear
Materials Science and Engineering: A 558, 412-421, 2012
A flame imaging-based online deep learning model for predicting NOₓ emissions from an oxy-biomass combustion process
L Qin, G Lu, MM Hossain, A Morris, Y Yan
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-11, 2021
Thermal and stress analyses of a novel coated steam dual pipe system for use in advanced ultra-supercritical power plant
X Guo, W Sun, A Becker, A Morris, M Pavier, P Flewitt, M Tierney, C Wales
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 176, 103933, 2019
The effect of different types of core material on the flexural behavior of sandwich composites for wind turbine blades
C Kaboglu
Journal of Thermal Engineering 3 (2), 1102-1109, 2017
Steady-state creep peak rupture stresses in 90° power plant pipe bends with manufacture induced cross-section dimension variations
JP Rouse, MZ Leom, W Sun, TH Hyde, A Morris
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 105, 1-11, 2013
Assessment of potential service-life performance for MarBN steel power plant header under flexible thermomechanical operations
M Li, A Benaarbia, A Morris, W Sun
International Journal of Fatigue 135, 105565, 2020
Optical strain monitoring techniques for life assessment of components in power generation plant
A Morris, M Kourmpetis, ID Dear, M Sjodahl, JP Dear
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A; Journal of …, 2007
Flexural testing of composite sandwich structures with Digital Speckle Photogrammetry (DSP)
AD Fergusson, A Puri, A Morris, JP Dear
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 145-152, 2006
Full-scale Test of a SSP34m box girder 1–Data Report
FM Jensen, K Branner, PH Nielsen, P Berring, TS Antvorskov, M Nielsen, ...
Risø-RR1588 (EN), 2008
Fatigue crack initiation and growth behavior in a notch with periodic overloads in the low‐cycle fatigue regime of FV566 ex‐service steam turbine blade material
BMD Cunningham, A Evangelou, C You, A Morris, J Wise, PAS Reed, ...
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 45 (2), 546-564, 2022
Optimisation and thermo-mechanical analysis of a coated steam dual pipe system for use in advanced ultra-supercritical power plant
XF Guo, A Benaarbia, W Sun, A Becker, A Morris, M Pavier, P Flewitt, ...
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 186, 104157, 2020
The Role of Hardness on Condition Monitoring and Lifing for Power Plant Structural Risk Management
A Morris, B Cacciapuoti, W Sun
Measurement 131, 501-512, 2019
論文 1–20