Ronggang Zhou
Ronggang Zhou
確認したメール アドレス: buaa.edu.cn
The effect of conformity tendency on pedestrians’ road-crossing intentions in China: An application of the theory of planned behavior
R Zhou, WJ Horrey, R Yu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (3), 491-497, 2009
Measuring e-service quality and its importance to customer satisfaction and loyalty: an empirical study in a telecom setting
R Zhou, X Wang, Y Shi, R Zhang, L Zhang, H Guo
Electronic Commerce Research 19, 477-499, 2019
Young driving learners’ intention to use a handheld or hands-free mobile phone when driving
R Zhou, C Wu, PLP Rau, W Zhang
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 12 (3), 208-217, 2009
Predicting adolescent pedestrians’ behavioral intentions to follow the masses in risky crossing situations
R Zhou, WJ Horrey
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 13 (3), 153-163, 2010
Who tends to answer open-ended questions in an e-service survey? The contribution of closed-ended answers
R Zhou, X Wang, L Zhang, H Guo
Behaviour & Information Technology 36 (12), 1274-1284, 2017
Mobile phone use while driving: predicting drivers’ answering intentions and compensatory decisions
R Zhou, PLP Rau, W Zhang, D Zhuang
Safety science 50 (1), 138-149, 2012
Difference between leisure and work contexts: The roles of perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness in predicting mobile video calling use acceptance
R Zhou, C Feng
Frontiers in psychology 8, 350, 2017
Crash prediction with behavioral and physiological features for advanced vehicle collision avoidance system
Y Ba, W Zhang, Q Wang, R Zhou, C Ren
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 74, 22-33, 2017
Internet use and its impact on engagement in leisure activities in China
R Zhou, PSW Fong, P Tan
PloS one 9 (2), e89598, 2014
Job demands and driving anger: the roles of emotional exhaustion and work engagement
F Li, G Wang, Y Li, R Zhou
Accident Analysis & Prevention 98, 198-205, 2017
An evaluation for VR glasses system user experience: The influence factors of interactive operation and motion sickness
M Yu, R Zhou, H Wang, W Zhao
Applied ergonomics 74, 206-213, 2019
Using a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to determine product usability: A proposed theoretical framework
R Zhou, AHS Chan
Work 56 (1), 9-19, 2017
What contributes to success in MOBA games? An empirical study of defense of the ancients 2
B Xia, H Wang, R Zhou
Games and Culture 14 (5), 498-522, 2019
Why do drivers use mobile phones while driving? The contribution of compensatory beliefs
R Zhou, M Yu, X Wang
PloS one 11 (8), e0160288, 2016
石庆馨, 周荣刚, 葛燕, 秦宪刚, 张侃
A survey of user-centered design practice in China
R Zhou, S Huang, X Qin, J Huang
2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1885-1889, 2008
Promoting social distancing and preventing panic buying during the epidemic of COVID-19: The contributions of people’s psychological and behavioural factors
Y Zhang, R Zhou
Journal of Public Health, 1-15, 2021
Driver's distracted behavior: the contribution of compensatory beliefs increases with higher perceived risk
R Zhou, Y Zhang, Y Shi
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 80, 103009, 2020
Unravelling the relationship between response time and user experience in mobile applications
M Yu, R Zhou, Z Cai, CW Tan, H Wang
Internet Research 30 (5), 1353-1382, 2020
Speech-based takeover requests in conditionally automated driving: Effects of different voices on the driver takeover performance
Y Wang, W Zhang, R Zhou
Applied Ergonomics 101, 103695, 2022
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