Philippe Gerber
Philippe Gerber
Research Scientist, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), Luxembourg
確認したメール アドレス: liser.lu - ホームページ
Land use changes modelling using advanced methods: Cellular automata and artificial neural networks. The spatial and explicit representation of land cover dynamics at the cross …
RM Basse, H Omrani, O Charif, P Gerber, K Bódis
Applied Geography 53, 160-171, 2014
Investigating ideal-solution based multicriteria decision making techniques for sustainability evaluation of urban mobility projects
A Awasthi, H Omrani, P Gerber
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 116, 247-259, 2018
Mobility among older adults: Deconstructing the effects of motility and movement on wellbeing
T Cuignet, C Perchoux, G Caruso, O Klein, S Klein, B Chaix, Y Kestens, ...
Urban studies 57 (2), 383-401, 2020
Walking, trip purpose, and exposure to multiple environments: A case study of older adults in Luxembourg
C Perchoux, R Brondeel, R Wasfi, O Klein, G Caruso, J Vallée, S Klein, ...
Journal of Transport & Health 13, 170-184, 2019
Prediction of individual travel mode with evidential neural network model
H Omrani, O Charif, P Gerber, A Awasthi, P Trigano
Transportation research record 2399 (1), 1-8, 2013
Understanding the role of contrasting urban contexts in healthy aging: an international cohort study using wearable sensor devices (the CURHA study protocol)
Y Kestens, B Chaix, P Gerber, M Desprès, L Gauvin, O Klein, S Klein, ...
BMC geriatrics 16, 1-12, 2016
Combining sensor tracking with a GPS-based mobility survey to better measure physical activity in trips: public transport generates walking
B Chaix, T Benmarhnia, Y Kestens, R Brondeel, C Perchoux, P Gerber, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16, 1-13, 2019
Cross-border residential mobility, quality of life and modal shift: A Luxembourg case study
P Gerber, TY Ma, O Klein, J Schiebel, S Carpentier-Postel
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 104, 238-254, 2017
City delineation in European applications of LUTI models: review and tests
I Thomas, J Jones, G Caruso, P Gerber
Transport Reviews 38 (1), 6-32, 2018
Advancement in Conceptualizing Cross-Border Daily Mobility: the Benelux Context in the European Union.
P Gerber
European Journal of Transport & Infrastructure Research 12 (2), 2012
La mobilité des frontaliers du Luxembourg: dynamiques et perspectives
F Schmitz, G Drevon, P Gerber
Border effects on the travel mode choice of resident and cross-border workers in Luxembourg.
J Schiebel, H Omrani, P Gerber
European Journal of Transport & Infrastructure Research 15 (4), 2015
Travel satisfaction vs. life satisfaction: A weighted decision-making approach
Z Zarabi, P Gerber, S Lord
Sustainability 11 (19), 5309, 2019
Mobilités et modes de vie: Vers une recomposition de l'habiter
S Carpentier
Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016
Les déplacements domicile-travail: en voiture, en train ou à pied?
S Carpentier, P Gerber
From workplace attachment to commuter satisfaction before and after a workplace relocation
P Gerber, A El-Geneidy, K Manaugh, S Lord
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 71, 168-181, 2020
Dissonance and commute satisfaction: Which reference point to use?
TY Ma, V Van Acker, S Lord, P Gerber
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 100, 103046, 2021
Mode choice with latent preference heterogeneity: a case study for employees of the EU Institutions in Luxembourg
SK Tai-Yu Ma, Philippe Gerber, Samuel Carpentier
transportmetrica, 2015
De la mobilité résidentielle à la recomposition des espaces de la vie quotidienne
S Carpentier, P Gerber
HAL Post-Print, 2009
Is older adults’ physical activity during transport compensated during other activities? Comparing 4 study cohorts using GPS and accelerometer data
R Brondeel, R Wasfi, C Perchoux, B Chaix, P Gerber, L Gauvin, L Richard, ...
Journal of Transport & Health 12, 229-236, 2019
論文 1–20