Dr. Jean Guy LeBlanc
Dr. Jean Guy LeBlanc
Researcher CERELA-CONICET (Argentina)
確認したメール アドレス: cerela.org.ar - ホームページ
Bacteria as vitamin suppliers to their host: a gut microbiota perspective
JG LeBlanc, C Milani, GS De Giori, F Sesma, D Van Sinderen, M Ventura
Current opinion in biotechnology 24 (2), 160-168, 2013
Beneficial effects on host energy metabolism of short-chain fatty acids and vitamins produced by commensal and probiotic bacteria
JG LeBlanc, F Chain, R Martín, LG Bermúdez-Humarán, S Courau, ...
Microbial cell factories 16, 1-10, 2017
B‐Group vitamin production by lactic acid bacteria–current knowledge and potential applications
JG LeBlanc, JE Laiño, MJ Del Valle, VV Vannini, D van Sinderen, ...
Journal of applied microbiology 111 (6), 1297-1309, 2011
Immunomodulating effects of peptidic fractions issued from milk fermented with Lactobacillus helveticus
JG LeBlanc, C Matar, JC Valdez, J LeBlanc, G Perdigon
Journal of Dairy Science 85 (11), 2733-2742, 2002
Concentration and characterization of microalgae proteins from Chlorella pyrenoidosa
AG Waghmare, MK Salve, JG LeBlanc, SS Arya
Bioresources and Bioprocessing 3, 1-11, 2016
Use of superoxide dismutase and catalase producing lactic acid bacteria in TNBS induced Crohn's disease in mice
JG LeBlanc, S del Carmen, A Miyoshi, V Azevedo, F Sesma, P Langella, ...
Journal of Biotechnology 151 (3), 287-293, 2011
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Lactobacillus casei BL23 regulates Treg and Th17 T-cell populations and reduces DMH-associated colorectal cancer
M Lenoir, S Del Carmen, NG Cortes-Perez, D Lozano-Ojalvo, ...
Journal of Gastroenterology 51, 862-873, 2016
Folate production by lactic acid bacteria and other food-grade microorganisms
JG LeBlanc, GS de Giori, EJ Smid, J Hugenholtz, F Sesma
Communicating current research and educational topics and trends in applied …, 2007
Lactic fermentation as a strategy to improve the nutritional and functional values of pseudocereals
GC Rollán, CL Gerez, JG LeBlanc
Frontiers in Nutrition 6, 98, 2019
Bacteriocinogenic Lactobacillus plantarum ST16Pa isolated from papaya (Carica papaya)—From isolation to application: Characterization of a bacteriocin
SD Todorov, H Prévost, M Lebois, X Dousset, JG LeBlanc, BDGM Franco
Food Research International 44 (5), 1351-1363, 2011
Anti-inflammatory effects of Lactococcus lactis NCDO 2118 during the remission period of chemically induced colitis
TD Luerce, AC Gomes-Santos, CS Rocha, TG Moreira, DN Cruz, L Lemos, ...
Gut Pathogens 6, 1-11, 2014
Oral administration of a catalase-producing Lactococcus lactis can prevent a chemically induced colon cancer in mice
A de Moreno de Leblanc, JG LeBlanc, G Perdigon, A Miyoshi, P Langella, ...
Journal of Medical Microbiology 57 (1), 100-105, 2008
Production of natural folates by lactic acid bacteria starter cultures isolated from artisanal Argentinean yogurts
JE Laiño, JG LeBlanc, G Savoy de Giori
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 58 (5), 581-588, 2012
Anti-cancer effect of lactic acid bacteria expressing antioxidant enzymes or IL-10 in a colorectal cancer mouse model
S Del Carmen, AM de LeBlanc, R Levit, V Azevedo, P Langella, ...
International immunopharmacology 42, 122-129, 2017
Development of a high folate concentration yogurt naturally bio-enriched using selected lactic acid bacteria
JE Laiño, MJ del Valle, GS de Giori, JGJ LeBlanc
LWT-Food Science and Technology 54 (1), 1-5, 2013
7 Biologically Active Peptides Released
C Matar, JG LeBlanc, L Martin, G Perdigón
Handbook of fermented functional foods, 177, 2003
Riboflavin producing lactic acid bacteria as a biotechnological strategy to obtain bio-enriched soymilk
MJ Del Valle, JE Laiño, GS De Giori, JG LeBlanc
Food Research International 62, 1015-1019, 2014
Effect of pH on Lactobacillus fermentum growth, raffinose removal, α-galactosidase activity and fermentation products
JG LeBlanc, MS Garro, G Savoy de Giori
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 65, 119-123, 2004
Importance of IL‐10 modulation by probiotic microorganisms in gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases
A De Moreno de Leblanc, S Del Carmen, M Zurita-Turk, C Santos Rocha, ...
International Scholarly Research Notices 2011 (1), 892971, 2011
Effect of probiotic administration on the intestinal microbiota, current knowledge and potential applications
AM de LeBlanc, JG LeBlanc
World Journal of Gastroenterology: WJG 20 (44), 16518, 2014
論文 1–20