Song Dawei
Aspect-based sentiment classification with aspect-specific graph convolutional networks
C Zhang, Q Li, D Song
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.03477, 2019
Exploring EEG features in cross-subject emotion recognition
X Li, D Song, P Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Hou, B Hu
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 162, 2018
A survey of controllable text generation using transformer-based pre-trained language models
H Zhang, H Song, S Li, M Zhou, D Song
ACM Computing Surveys 56 (3), 1-37, 2023
Emotion recognition from multi-channel EEG data through convolutional recurrent neural network
X Li, D Song, P Zhang, G Yu, Y Hou, B Hu
2016 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM …, 2016
EEG based emotion recognition: A tutorial and review
X Li, Y Zhang, P Tiwari, D Song, B Hu, M Yang, Z Zhao, N Kumar, ...
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (4), 1-57, 2022
Query expansion using term relationships in language models for information retrieval
J Bai, D Song, P Bruza, JY Nie, G Cao
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2005
Toward a fuzzy domain ontology extraction method for adaptive e-learning
RYK Lau, D Song, Y Li, TCH Cheung, JX Hao
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 21 (6), 800-813, 2008
A tensorized transformer for language modeling
X Ma, P Zhang, S Zhang, N Duan, Y Hou, M Zhou, D Song
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
A multi-task learning framework for opinion triplet extraction
C Zhang, Q Li, D Song, B Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.01512, 2020
Towards context sensitive information inference
D Song, PD Bruza
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54 (4 …, 2003
Comparing dissimilarity measures for content-based image retrieval
H Liu, D Song, S Rüger, R Hu, V Uren
Information Retrieval Technology: 4th Asia Infomation Retrieval Symposium …, 2008
A quantum-like multimodal network framework for modeling interaction dynamics in multiparty conversational sentiment analysis
Y Zhang, D Song, X Li, P Zhang, P Wang, L Rong, G Yu, B Wang
Information Fusion 62, 14-31, 2020
A quantum-inspired multimodal sentiment analysis framework
Y Zhang, D Song, P Zhang, P Wang, J Li, X Li, B Wang
Theoretical Computer Science 752, 21-40, 2018
End-to-end quantum-like language models with application to question answering
P Zhang, J Niu, Z Su, B Wang, L Ma, D Song
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 32 (1), 2018
Complete sequencing and comparative analyses of the pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plastome revealed high frequency of tandem repeats and large insertion …
YD Jo, J Park, J Kim, W Song, CG Hur, YH Lee, BC Kang
Plant cell reports 30, 217-229, 2011
Concept-based document readability in domain specific information retrieval
X Yan, D Song, X Li
Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2006
Learning interaction dynamics with an interactive LSTM for conversational sentiment analysis
Y Zhang, P Tiwari, D Song, X Mao, P Wang, X Li, HM Pandey
Neural Networks 133, 40-56, 2021
EEG based emotion identification using unsupervised deep feature learning
X Li, P Zhang, D Song, G Yu, Y Hou, B Hu
What makes the difference? An empirical comparison of fusion strategies for multimodal language analysis
D Gkoumas, Q Li, C Lioma, Y Yu, D Song
Information Fusion 66, 184-197, 2021
User-adaptive sketch-based 3-D CAD model retrieval
YJ Liu, X Luo, A Joneja, CX Ma, XL Fu, D Song
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 10 (3), 783-795, 2013
論文 1–20