Leonardo Goliatt
Rank‐based ant colony algorithms for truss weight minimization with discrete variables
PVSZ Capriles, LG Fonseca, HJC Barbosa, ACC Lemonge
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 23 (6), 553-575, 2007
A new hybrid AIS-GA for constrained optimization problems in mechanical engineering
HS Bernardino, HJC Barbosa, ACC Lemonge, LG Fonseca
2008 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (IEEE world congress on …, 2008
A lithology identification approach based on machine learning with evolutionary parameter tuning
CM Saporetti, LG da Fonseca, E Pereira
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 16 (12), 1819-1823, 2019
Machine learning approaches for petrographic classification of carbonate-siliciclastic rocks using well logs and textural information
CM Saporetti, LG da Fonseca, E Pereira, LC de Oliveira
Journal of Applied Geophysics 155, 217-225, 2018
Hybridized artificial intelligence models with nature-inspired algorithms for river flow modeling: A comprehensive review, assessment, and possible future research directions
H Tao, SI Abba, AM Al-Areeq, F Tangang, S Samantaray, A Sahoo, ...
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence 129, 107559, 2024
Development of a hybrid computational intelligent model for daily global solar radiation prediction
L Goliatt, ZM Yaseen
Expert Systems with Applications 212, 118295, 2023
Predicting material backorders in inventory management using machine learning
RB De Santis, EP de Aguiar, L Goliatt
2017 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), 1-6, 2017
Covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy for improving machine learning approaches in streamflow prediction
RMA Ikram, L Goliatt, O Kisi, S Trajkovic, S Shahid
Mathematics 10 (16), 2971, 2022
Neural network boosted with differential evolution for lithology identification based on well logs information
CM Saporetti, L Goliatt, E Pereira
Earth Science Informatics 14 (1), 133-140, 2021
Gradient boosting hybridized with exponential natural evolution strategies for estimating the strength of geopolymer self-compacting concrete
SA Basilio, L Goliatt
Knowledge-Based Engineering and Sciences 3 (1), 1-16, 2022
Hybrid machine learning models for estimating total organic carbon from mineral constituents in core samples of shale gas fields
CM Saporetti, DL Fonseca, LC Oliveira, E Pereira, L Goliatt
Marine and Petroleum Geology 143, 105783, 2022
Estimation of natural streams longitudinal dispersion coefficient using hybrid evolutionary machine learning model
L Goliatt, SO Sulaiman, KM Khedher, AA Farooque, ZM Yaseen
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 15 (1), 1298-1320, 2021
Extreme learning machine combined with a differential evolution algorithm for lithology identification
CM Saporetti, GR Duarte, TL Fonseca, LG da Fonseca, E Pereira
Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada 25 (4), 43-56, 2018
Surrogate-assisted clonal selection algorithms for expensive optimization problems
HS Bernardino, HJC Barbosa, LG Fonseca
Evolutionary Intelligence 4, 81-97, 2011
A similarity-based surrogate model for enhanced performance in genetic algorithms
LG Fonseca, HJC Barbosa, ACC Lemonge
Opsearch 46, 89-107, 2009
A dynamic migration policy to the island model
G Duarte, A Lemonge, L Goliatt
2017 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), 1135-1142, 2017
Machine learning-based country-level annual air pollutants exploration using Sentinel-5P and Google Earth Engine
B Halder, I Ahmadianfar, S Heddam, ZH Mussa, L Goliatt, ML Tan, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 7968, 2023
Comparison of machine learning techniques for predicting energy loads in buildings
GR Duarte, LG da Fonseca, P Goliatt, AC de Castro Lemonge
Ambiente Construído 17 (3), 103-115, 2017
A study on fitness inheritance for enhanced efficiency in real-coded genetic algorithms
LG Fonseca, ACC Lemonge, HJC Barbosa
2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-8, 2012
On similarity-based surrogate models for expensive single-and multi-objective evolutionary optimization
LG Fonseca, HJC Barbosa, ACC Lemonge
Computational intelligence in expensive optimization problems, 219-248, 2010
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