Zdenek Remes
Zdenek Remes
Institute of Physics of the ASCR, v. v. i.
確認したメール アドレス: fzu.cz - ホームページ
Organic–inorganic halide perovskites: Perspectives for silicon-based tandem solar cells
P Löper, B Niesen, SJ Moon, SM De Nicolas, J Holovsky, Z Remes, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 4 (6), 1545-1551, 2014
Nanostructured three-dimensional thin film silicon solar cells with very high efficiency potential
M Vanecek, O Babchenko, A Purkrt, J Holovsky, N Neykova, A Poruba, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (16), 2011
Formation of continuous nanocrystalline diamond layers on glass and silicon at low temperatures
A Kromka, B Rezek, Z Remes, M Michalka, M Ledinsky, J Zemek, ...
Chemical Vapor Deposition 14 (7‐8), 181-186, 2008
Optical properties of SnO2: F films deposited by atmospheric pressure CVD
Z Remes, M Vanecek, HM Yates, P Evans, DW Sheel
Thin solid films 517 (23), 6287-6289, 2009
LYRA, a solar UV radiometer on Proba2
JF Hochedez, W Schmutz, Y Stockman, U Schühle, A Benmoussa, ...
Advances in Space Research 37 (2), 303-312, 2006
Refractive indices of layers and optical simulations of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells
R Carron, E Avancini, T Feurer, B Bissig, PA Losio, R Figi, C Schreiner, ...
Science and Technology of advanced MaTerialS 19 (1), 396-410, 2018
Atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition of F doped SnO2 for optimum performance solar cells
DW Sheel, HM Yates, P Evans, U Dagkaldiran, A Gordijn, F Finger, ...
Thin solid films 517 (10), 3061-3065, 2009
Silicon network relaxation in amorphous hydrogenated silicon
Z Remes, M Vanĕc̆ek, AH Mahan, RS Crandall
Physical Review B 56 (20), R12710, 1997
Investigation of nanocrystalline diamond films grown on silicon and glass at substrate temperature below 400 C
S Potocky, A Kromka, J Potmesil, Z Remes, V Vorlicek, M Vanecek, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 16 (4-7), 744-747, 2007
Optical determination of the mass density of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon layers with different hydrogen contents
Z Remeš, M Vaněček, P Torres, U Kroll, AH Mahan, RS Crandall
Journal of non-crystalline solids 227, 876-879, 1998
Single‐Source, Solvent‐Free, Room Temperature Deposition of Black γ‐CsSnI3 Films
VM Kiyek, YA Birkhölzer, Y Smirnov, M Ledinsky, Z Remes, J Momand, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 7 (11), 2000162, 2020
Growth of nanocrystalline diamond films deposited by microwave plasma CVD system at low substrate temperatures
S Potocky, A Kromka, J Potmesil, Z Remes, Z Polackova, M Vanecek
physica status solidi (a) 203 (12), 3011-3015, 2006
The optical absorption and photoconductivity spectra of hexagonal boron nitride single crystals
Z Remes, M Nesladek, K Haenen, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi
physica status solidi (a) 202 (11), 2229-2233, 2005
Amorphous silicon solar cells made with SnO2: F TCO films deposited by atmospheric pressure CVD
Ü Dagkaldiran, A Gordijn, F Finger, HM Yates, P Evans, DW Sheel, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 159, 6-9, 2009
On the improvement of PEC activity of hematite thin films deposited by high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering method
S Kment, Z Hubicka, J Krysa, D Sekora, M Zlamal, J Olejnicek, M Cada, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 165, 344-350, 2015
Study of ZnO nanorods grown under UV irradiation
N Neykova, YY Chang, M Buryi, M Davydova, R Kucerkova, D Simek, ...
Applied Surface Science 472, 105-111, 2019
Mechanism of photoconductivity in intrinsic epitaxial CVD diamond studied by photocurrent spectroscopy and photocurrent decay measurements
Z Remes, R Petersen, K Haenen, M Nesladek, M D'Olieslaeger
Diamond and related materials 14 (3-7), 556-560, 2005
Performance of diamond detectors for VUV applications
A BenMoussa, A Theissen, F Scholze, JF Hochedez, U Schühle, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2006
Enhancing the optoelectronic properties of amorphous zinc tin oxide by subgap defect passivation: A theoretical and experimental demonstration
E Rucavado, Q Jeangros, DF Urban, J Holovský, Z Remes, M Duchamp, ...
Physical Review B 95 (24), 245204, 2017
Nanocrystalline diamond surface functionalization in radio frequency plasma
Z Remes, A Choukourov, J Stuchlik, J Potmesil, M Vanecek
Diamond and related materials 15 (4-8), 745-748, 2006
論文 1–20