KC Nowack
KC Nowack
確認したメール アドレス: cornell.edu
Driven coherent oscillations of a single electron spin in a quantum dot
FHL Koppens, C Buizert, KJ Tielrooij, IT Vink, KC Nowack, T Meunier, ...
Nature 442 (7104), 766-771, 2006
Coherent control of a single electron spin with electric fields
KC Nowack, FHL Koppens, YV Nazarov, LMK Vandersypen
Science 318 (5855), 1430-1433, 2007
Imaging currents in HgTe quantum wells in the quantum spin Hall regime
KC Nowack, EM Spanton, M Baenninger, M König, JR Kirtley, B Kalisky, ...
Nature materials 12 (9), 787-791, 2013
Nuclear spin effects in semiconductor quantum dots
EA Chekhovich, MN Makhonin, AI Tartakovskii, A Yacoby, H Bluhm, ...
Nature materials 12 (6), 494-504, 2013
Spin echo of a single electron spin in a quantum dot
FHL Koppens, KC Nowack, LMK Vandersypen
Physical Review Letters 100 (23), 236802, 2008
Single-shot correlations and two-qubit gate of solid-state spins
KC Nowack, M Shafiei, M Laforest, G Prawiroatmodjo, LR Schreiber, ...
Science 333 (6047), 1269-1272, 2011
Locally enhanced conductivity due to the tetragonal domain structure in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterointerfaces
B Kalisky, EM Spanton, H Noad, JR Kirtley, KC Nowack, C Bell, HK Sato, ...
Nature materials 12 (12), 1091-1095, 2013
Images of edge current in InAs/GaSb quantum wells
EM Spanton, KC Nowack, L Du, RR Du, KA Moler
Physical review letters 113 (2), 026804, 2014
Locking electron spins into magnetic resonance by electron–nuclear feedback
IT Vink, KC Nowack, FHL Koppens, J Danon, YV Nazarov, ...
Nature Physics 5 (10), 764-768, 2009
Gate-tuned superfluid density at the superconducting LaAlO/SrTiO interface
JA Bert, KC Nowack, B Kalisky, H Noad, JR Kirtley, C Bell, HK Sato, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (6), 060503, 2012
Universal phase shift and nonexponential decay of driven single-spin oscillations
FHL Koppens, D Klauser, WA Coish, KC Nowack, LP Kouwenhoven, ...
Physical review letters 99 (10), 106803, 2007
Spin Seebeck Imaging of Spin-Torque Switching in Antiferromagnetic Heterostructures
I Gray, T Moriyama, N Sivadas, GM Stiehl, JT Heron, R Need, BJ Kirby, ...
Physical Review X 9 (4), 041016, 2019
Thickness dependence of superconductivity in ultrathin NbS2
R Yan, G Khalsa, BT Schaefer, A Jarjour, S Rouvimov, KC Nowack, ...
Applied Physics Express 12 (2), 023008, 2019
Nuclear wavefunction interference in single-molecule electron transport
MR Wegewijs, KC Nowack
New Journal of Physics 7 (1), 239, 2005
Magnetic field detection limits for ultraclean graphene Hall sensors
BT Schaefer, L Wang, A Jarjour, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, PL McEuen, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4163, 2020
Variation in superconducting transition temperature due to tetragonal domains in two-dimensionally doped
H Noad, EM Spanton, KC Nowack, H Inoue, M Kim, TA Merz, C Bell, ...
Physical Review B 94 (17), 174516, 2016
Detection of single electron spin resonance in a double quantum dot
FHL Koppens, C Buizert, IT Vink, KC Nowack, T Meunier, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 101 (8), 2007
Spatial control of heavy-fermion superconductivity in CeIrIn5
MD Bachmann, GM Ferguson, F Theuss, T Meng, C Putzke, T Helm, ...
Science 366 (6462), 221-226, 2019
Simultaneous spin-charge relaxation in double quantum dots
V Srinivasa, KC Nowack, M Shafiei, LMK Vandersypen, JM Taylor
Physical review letters 110 (19), 196803, 2013
Multiple nuclear polarization states in a double quantum dot
J Danon, IT Vink, FHL Koppens, KC Nowack, LMK Vandersypen, ...
Physical review letters 103 (4), 046601, 2009
論文 1–20