Charles Besancon
Charles Besancon
Director, Global Park Solutions
確認したメール アドレス: globalparksolutions.com - ホームページ
Protecting important sites for biodiversity contributes to meeting global conservation targets
SHM Butchart, JPW Scharlemann, MI Evans, S Quader, S Arico, ...
PloS one 7 (3), e32529, 2012
Protected Planet Report 2012: tracking progress towards global targets for protected areas.
B Bertzky, C Corrigan, J Kemsey, S Kenney, C Ravilious, C Besançon, ...
Global analysis of the protection status of the world’s forests
CB Schmitt, ND Burgess, L Coad, A Belokurov, C Besançon, L Boisrobert, ...
Biological Conservation 142 (10), 2122-2130, 2009
Changing trends and persisting biases in three decades of conservation science
M Di Marco, S Chapman, G Althor, S Kearney, C Besancon, N Butt, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 10, 32-42, 2017
Tracking progress toward the 2010 biodiversity target and beyond
M Walpole, REA Almond, C Besançon, SHM Butchart, ...
Science 325 (5947), 1503-1504, 2009
Progress towards the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 2010 and 2012 targets for protected area coverage
L Coad, ND Burgess, B Bomhard, C Besançon
Parks: The International Journal for Protected Area Managers 17, 35-72, 2009
Transboundary conservation: a new vision for protected areas
RA Mittermeier, P Robles Gil, CF Kormos, CG Mittermeier, T Sandwith, ...
México, MX: CEMEX, 2005
Global Ecological Forest Classification and Forest Protected Area Gap Analysis. Analyses and recommendations in view of the 10% target for forest protection under the …
CB Schmitt, A Belokurov, C Besançon, L Boisrobert, ND Burgess, ...
Biodiversity conservation in tropical agroecosystems (1134, 173–200). Annals …, 2008
2007 UNEP-WCMC global list of transboundary protected areas
I Lysenko, C Besançon, C Savy
Global Transboundary Conservation Network, 2007
The ecological representativeness of the global protected areas estate in 2009: progress towards the CBD 2010 target
L Coad, ND Burgess, C Loucks, L Fish, JPW Scharlemann, L Duarte, ...
UNEP-WCMC, WWFUS and ECI, University of Oxford, 2009
Measuring Peace Park Performance: Definitions and Experiences
A Hammill, C Besançon
Peace parks: Conservation and conflict resolution, 23, 2007
Global ecological forest classification and forest protected area gap analysis
CB Schmitt, A Belokurov, C Besançon, L Boisrobert, ND Burgess, ...
Analyses and recommendations in view of the 10% target for forest protection …, 2009
New resources for assessing the effectiveness of management in protected areas
A Belokurov, C Besançon, H Pavese, ND Burgess, N Dudley, S Stolton, ...
Oryx 43 (1), 14-14, 2009
Changing trends and persisting biases in three decades of conservation science. Glob Ecol Conserv 10: 32–42
M Di Marco, S Chapman, G Althor, S Kearney, C Besancon, N Butt, ...
Promoting conflict sensitivity in transboundary protected areas: A role for peace and conflict impact assessments
A Hammill, C Besancon
International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2003
Efficacy of the global protected area network is threatened by disappearing climates and potential transboundary range shifts
SA Parks, LM Holsinger, CE Littlefield, SZ Dobrowski, KA Zeller, ...
Environmental research letters 17 (5), 054016, 2022
Progress on the Convention on Biological Diversity’s 2010 and 2012 targets for protected area coverage
L Coad, ND Burgess, B Bomhard, C Besancon
United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre …, 2009
Protected Plant Report 2012: Tracking progress towards global targets for protected areas
S Kenney, C Ravilious, J Kemsey, C Corrigan, B Bertzky, N Burgess, ...
United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 2012
Trade-offs among multiple goals for transboundary conservation
T Sandwith, C Besancon
Draft paper presented at environmental change and security program symposium …, 2005
Integrating Marketing and Management Planning for Outstanding Visitor Experiences in a Turbulent Era: The Case of Plitvice Lakes National Park
NA McCool S.F., Eagles P.F.J., Skunca O., Vukadin V., Besancon C.
Mediterranean Protected Areas in the Era of Overtourism, 2021
論文 1–20