Joe Layden
Joe Layden
University of St Mark & St john
確認したメール アドレス: marjon.ac.uk
Reliability of gastrointestinal barrier integrity and microbial translocation biomarkers at rest and following exertional heat stress
HB Ogden, JL Fallowfield, RB Child, G Davison, SC Fleming, ...
Physiological reports 8 (5), e14374, 2020
Impairments to thermoregulation in the elderly during heat exposure events
A Millyard, JD Layden, DB Pyne, AM Edwards, SR Bloxham
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 6, 2333721420932432, 2020
Effects of reduced ambient temperature on fat utilization during submaximal exercise
JD Layden, MJ Patterson, MA Nimmo
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 34 (5), 774-779, 2002
Optimising the acquisition and retention of heat acclimation
HAM Daanen, AG Jonkman, JD Layden, DM Linnane, AS Weller
International journal of sports medicine 32 (11), 822-828, 2011
Neuromuscular and cardiovascular responses of Royal Marine recruits to load carriage in the field
JL Fallowfield, SD Blacker, MET Willems, T Davey, J Layden
Applied ergonomics 43 (6), 1131-1137, 2012
Individual risk factors associated with exertional heat illness: A systematic review
CS Westwood, JL Fallowfield, SK Delves, M Nunns, HB Ogden, ...
Experimental Physiology 106 (1), 191-199, 2021
The gastrointestinal exertional heat stroke paradigm: pathophysiology, assessment, severity, aetiology and nutritional countermeasures
HB Ogden, RB Child, JL Fallowfield, SK Delves, CS Westwood, ...
Nutrients 12 (2), 537, 2020
The impact of prolonged exercise in a cold environment upon cardiac function
R Shave, E Dawson, G Whyte, K George, M Nimmo, J Layden, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 36 (9), 1522-1527, 2004
During exercise in the cold increased availability of plasma nonesterified fatty acids does not affect the pattern of substrate oxidation
JD Layden, D Malkova, MA Nimmo
Metabolism 53 (2), 203-208, 2004
Influence of aerobic fitness on gastrointestinal barrier integrity and microbial translocation following a fixed-intensity military exertional heat stress test
HB Ogden, JL Fallowfield, RB Child, G Davison, SC Fleming, SK Delves, ...
European journal of applied physiology 120, 2325-2337, 2020
Person-centered, physical activity for patients with low back pain: piloting service delivery
S Bloxham, P Barter, S Scragg, C Peers, B Jane, J Layden
Healthcare 4 (2), 28, 2016
Person-centered health promotion: Learning from 10 years of practice within long term conditions
J Downey, S Bloxham, B Jane, JD Layden, S Vaughan
Healthcare 9 (4), 439, 2021
Fat oxidation after acipimox-induced reduction in plasma nonesterified fatty acids during exercise at 0 C and 20 C
JD Layden, D Malkova, MA Nimmo
Metabolism 53 (9), 1131-1135, 2004
Acute L-glutamine supplementation does not improve gastrointestinal permeability, injury or microbial translocation in response to exhaustive high intensity …
HB Ogden, JL Fallowfield, RB Child, G Davison, SC Fleming, SK Delves, ...
European Journal of Sport Science 22 (12), 1865-1876, 2022
Reply to AD Flouris and SS Cheung reply letter regarding “cold-induced vasodilation”
HA Daanen, JD Layden
European journal of applied physiology 108 (1), 215-216, 2010
Gastrointestinal Tolerance of Low, Medium and High Dose Acute Oral l-Glutamine Supplementation in Healthy Adults: A Pilot Study
HB Ogden, RB Child, JL Fallowfield, SK Delves, CS Westwood, A Millyard, ...
Nutrients 12 (10), 2953, 2020
The longitudinal effects of a physical activity programme on the physical fitness and disability of back pain patients: Service evaluation
SR Bloxham, J Layden, B Jane, C Peers, S Scragg
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 33 (1), 7-13, 2020
No protective benefits of low dose acute L-glutamine supplementation on small intestinal permeability, epithelial injury and bacterial translocation biomarkers in response to …
HB Ogden, JL Fallowfield, RB Child, G Davison, SC Fleming, SK Delves, ...
Temperature 9 (2), 196-210, 2022
Reduced cold-induced vasodilation at altitude: Due to hypoxic or hypobaric circumstances?
T Meeuwsen
Person centered health promotion: learning from 10 years of practice within long term conditions. Healthcare. 2021: 9: 439
J Downey, S Bloxham, B Jane, JD Layden, S Vaughan
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論文 1–20