Athul Prabhakaran
Athul Prabhakaran
その他の名前Athul Parayancode
University of California San Diego
確認したメール アドレス: structint.com
Seismic design of offshore wind turbines: good, bad and unknowns
S Bhattacharya, S Biswal, M Aleem, S Amani, A Prabhakaran, G Prakhya, ...
Energies 14 (12), 3496, 2021
Large-scale shake table tests on a shallow foundation in liquefiable soils
M Jahed Orang, R Motamed, A Prabhakaran, A Elgamal
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 147 (1), 04020152, 2021
Design of monopiles for offshore and nearshore wind turbines in seismically liquefiable soils: Methodology and validation
S Amani, A Prabhakaran, S Bhattacharya
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 157, 107252, 2022
Selection of representative shear modulus reduction and damping curves for rock, gravel and sand sites from the KiK-Net downhole array
P Anbazhagan, A Prabhakaran, H Madhura, SSR Moustafa, NSN Al-Arifi
Natural Hazards 88, 1741-1768, 2017
Identification of karstic features in lateritic soil by an integrated geophysical approach
P Anbazhagan, D Rohit, A Prabhakaran, B Vidyaranya
Pure and Applied Geophysics 175 (12), 4515-4536, 2018
Large-scale shake table experiment on the performance of helical piles in liquefiable soils
MJ Orang, R Boushehri, R Motamed, A Prabhakaran, A Elgamal
Proc., 45th Annual Conf. on Deep Foundations Institute. Hawthorne, NJ: Deep …, 2021
Performance-based seismic resilience and sustainability assessment of coastal RC bridges in aggressive marine environments
Z Qiu, A Prabhakaran, L Su, Y Zheng
Ocean Engineering 279, 114547, 2023
Hazard considerations in the vulnerability assessment of offshore wind farms in seismic zones
S Bhattacharya, S Amani, A Prabhakaran, J Macabuag
Earthquake Engineering and Resilience 1 (1), 88-109, 2022
Polymer Injection and liquefaction-induced foundation settlement: a shake table test investigation
A Prabhakaran, K Kim, MJ Orang, Z Qiu, A Ebeido, M Zayed, R Boushehri, ...
Geo-Congress 2020, 1-9, 2020
An experimental evaluation of helical piles as a liquefaction-induced building settlement mitigation measure
MJ Orang, R Boushehri, R Motamed, A Prabhakaran, A Elgamal
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 151, 106994, 2021
Longitudinal seismic fragility assessment of an integral bridge-ground system in liquefaction-induced lateral spreads
Z Qiu, Z Yu, L Su, A Prabhakaran, A Elgamal, X Wang
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 168, 107838, 2023
Results of a class C blind prediction competition on the numerical simulation of a large-scale liquefaction shaking table test
R Motamed, MJ Orang, A Parayancode, A Elgamal
Geo-Congress 2020, 334-342, 2020
Shake table testing: A high-resolution vertical accelerometer array for tracking shear wave velocity
M Zayed, A Ebeido, A Prabhakaran, K Kim, Z Qiu, A Elgamal
Geotechnical Testing Journal 44 (4), 1097-1118, 2021
Shake table testing and computational framework for seismic response of utility-scale bucket foundation offshore wind turbines
M Zayed, K Kim, A Prabhakaran, A Elgamal
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 171, 107939, 2023
A three-dimensional multi-surface plasticity soil model for seismically-induced liquefaction and earthquake loading applications
Z Qiu, A Prabhakaran, A Elgamal
Acta Geotechnica 18 (10), 5123-5146, 2023
Risks and vulnerabilities in the design, construction, and operation of offshore wind turbine farms in seismic areas
S Bhattacharya, D Lombardi, A Prabhakaran, HK Mistry, S Biswal, ...
Advances in Earthquake Geotechnics, 1-27, 2022
Polymer injection and liquefaction-induced foundation settlement mitigation: a shake table testing investigation
A Prabhakaran, K Kim, M Jahed Orang, Z Qiu, A Ebeido, M Zayed, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 149 (8), 04023054, 2023
Asymmetric input motion for accumulation of lateral ground deformation in laminar container shake table testing
M Zayed, A Ebeido, A Prabhakaran, Z Qiu, A Elgamal
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 58 (2), 210-223, 2021
Polymer injection and associated site liquefaction remediation mechanisms
A Prabhakaran, K Kyungtae, A Ebeido, MJ Orang, R Motamed, A Elgamal, ...
Proc., 17th World Conf. on Earthquake Engineering. Tokyo: Japan Association …, 2021
Investigations existing dam using integrated geotechnical and geophysical methods
P Anbazhagan, D Rohit, A Prabhakaran
Second national dam safety conference 12 (13), 165, 2016
論文 1–20