xu wenjun (许文俊)
Toward Wisdom-Evolutionary and Primitive-Concise 6G: A New Paradigm of Semantic Communication Networks
P Zhang, W Xu, H Gao, K Niu, X Xu, X Qin, C Yuan, Z Qin, H Zhao, J Wei, ...
Engineering 8, 60-73, 2022
Wireless Traffic Prediction With Scalable Gaussian Process: Framework, Algorithms, and Verification
Y Xu, F Yin, W Xu, J Lin, S Cui
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 37 (6), 1291-1306, 2019
Optimal energy-efficient power allocation for OFDM-based cognitive radio networks
Y Wang, W Xu, K Yang, J Lin
IEEE Communications Letters 16 (9), 1420-1423, 2012
Load Balancing for Ultradense Networks: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach
Y Xu, W Xu, Z Wang, J Lin, S Cui
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (6), 9399-9412, 2019
Cache-enabling UAV communications: Network deployment and resource allocation
T Zhang, Y Wang, Y Liu, W Xu, A Nallanathan
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (11), 7470-7483, 2020
Capacity Analysis of UAV Communications: Cases of Random Trajectories
X Yuan, Z Feng, W Xu, W Ni, JA Zhang, Z Wei, RP Liu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (8), 7564-7576, 2018
Caching Placement and Resource Allocation for Cache-Enabling UAV NOMA Networks
T Zhang, Z Wang, Y Liu, W Xu, A Nallanathan
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (11), 12897-12911, 2020
D2D-assisted multi-user cooperative partial offloading, transmission scheduling and computation allocating for MEC
J Peng, H Qiu, J Cai, W Xu, J Wang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (8), 4858-4873, 2021
Joint Sensing Duration Adaptation, User Matching, and Power Allocation for Cognitive OFDM-NOMA Systems
W Xu, X Li, CH Lee, M Pan, Z Feng
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (2), 1269-1282, 2018
Scalable learning paradigms for data-driven wireless communication
Y Xu, F Yin, W Xu, CH Lee, J Lin, S Cui
IEEE Communications Magazine 58 (10), 81-87, 2020
D2D-Enabled Mobile User Edge Caching: A Multi-Winner Auction Approach
T Zhang, X Fang, Y Liu, GY Li, W Xu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (12), 12314-12328, 2019
Deep -Network-Based Route Scheduling for TNC Vehicles With Passengers’ Location Differential Privacy
D Shi, J Ding, SM Errapotu, H Yue, W Xu, X Zhou, M Pan
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (5), 7681-7692, 2019
High-Accuracy Wireless Traffic Prediction: A GP-Based Machine Learning Approach
Y Xu, W Xu, F Yin, J Lin, S Cui
GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2017
Identification of active attacks in internet of things: Joint model-and data-driven automatic modulation classification approach
S Huang, C Lin, W Xu, Y Gao, Z Feng, F Zhu
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (3), 2051-2065, 2020
Low-complexity linear equalization for OTFS systems with rectangular waveforms
T Zou, W Xu, H Gao, Z Bie, Z Feng, Z Ding
2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC …, 2021
Joint Resource, Deployment, and Caching Optimization for AR Applications in Dynamic UAV NOMA Networks
T Zhang, Z Wang, Y Liu, W Xu, A Nallanathan
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (5), 3409-3422, 2021
Energy-efficient transmission with cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
Y Gao, W Xu, K Yang, K Niu, J Lin
2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 7-12, 2013
Multi-User Semantic Communications for Cooperative Object Identification
Y Zhang, W Xu, H Gao, F Wang
2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC …, 2022
Throughput optimization for cognitive UAV networks: A three-dimensional-location-aware approach
X Liang, W Xu, H Gao, M Pan, J Lin, Q Deng, P Zhang
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 9 (7), 948-952, 2020
Model division multiple access for semantic communications
P Zhang, X Xu, C Dong, K Niu, H Liang, Z Liang, X Qin, M Sun, H Chen, ...
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 24 (6), 801-812, 2023
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