Topics in the theory of random noise RL Stratonovich CRC Press, 1967 | 3930 | 1967 |
On a method of calculating quantum distribution functions RL Stratonovich Soviet Physics Doklady 2, 416, 1957 | 1036 | 1957 |
A new representation for stochastic integrals and equations RL Stratonovich SIAM Journal on Control 4 (2), 362-371, 1966 | 894 | 1966 |
Теория информации РЛ Стратонович Сов. радио, 1975 | 650 | 1975 |
Conditional markov processes RL Stratonovich Non-linear transformations of stochastic processes, 427-453, 1965 | 576 | 1965 |
A method for the. computation of quantum distribution functions RL Stratonovich Doklady Akademii Nauk 115 (6), 1097-1100, 1957 | 564 | 1957 |
Избранные вопросы теории флюктуаций в радиотехнике РЛ Стратонович Советское радио, 1961 | 513 | 1961 |
Conditional Markov processes and their application to the theory of optimal control RL Stratonovich, RN McDonough, NB McDonough (No Title), 1968 | 495 | 1968 |
On distributions in representation space RL Stratonovich SOVIET PHYSICS JETP-USSR 4 (6), 891-898, 1957 | 472 | 1957 |
Условные марковские процессы и их применение к теории оптимального управления РЛ Стратонович Рипол Классик, 1966 | 421 | 1966 |
Nonlinear nonequilibrium thermodynamics I: linear and nonlinear fluctuation-dissipation theorems RL Stratonovich Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 367 | 2012 |
Random Processes in Dynamical Systems [in Russian], NITs Regulyarnaya i Khaoticheskaya Dinamika, Izhevsk (2009); English transl. prev. ed RL Stratonovich Topics in the theory of random noise, 1963 | 255 | 1963 |
Принципы адаптивного приема РЛ Стратонович Сов. радио, 1973 | 176 | 1973 |
Нелинейная неравновесная термодинамика РЛ Стратонович Наука, 1985 | 164 | 1985 |
Information theory RL Stratonovich Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1975 | 149 | 1975 |
Selected problems in the theory of fluctuations in radio engineering RL Stratonovich Sov. Radio, Moscow, 1961 | 148 | 1961 |
Non-linear transformations of stochastic processes PI Kuznetsov, RL Stratonovich, VI Tikhonov Elsevier, 2014 | 130 | 2014 |
Oscillator synchronization in the presence of noise RL Stratonovich Non-Linear Transformations of Stochastic Processes, 269-282, 1965 | 118 | 1965 |
On the probability functional of diffusion processes RL Stratonovich Selected Trans. in Math. Stat. Prob 10, 273-286, 1971 | 109 | 1971 |
Quasi-moment functions in the theory of random processes PI Kuznetsov, RL Stratonovich, VI Tikhonov Theory of Probability & Its Applications 5 (1), 80-97, 1960 | 92 | 1960 |